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Releases: s427/MARL

Support for polls

19 Mar 10:41
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[NEW] support for polls

  • Polls are now correctly displayed, and a new filter allows to show only posts that contain a poll

New layout options

18 Mar 17:47
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  • [NEW] layout options
    • Two new options found in the "Tools" panel allow to simplify the display of posts and declutter the UI by hiding the panels in a toolbar. Those changes will be most visible on larger displays.
  • Misc minor tweaks or fixes

Server mode

14 Mar 16:07
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[NEW] Server mode

  • You can now configure MARL to use it as publishing tool for your archive(s) (issue #6).
  • Please read for more information.
  • A stand-alone script is available in tools/outbox-cleanup to generate a JSON file without private posts (it has its own file).

Support for missing media folder

26 Jan 13:05
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  • Github issue #10 Support for archives with media_attachments folder removed. This allows very large archive files, which would normally fail to load because they exceed the browser cache capacity, to still be loaded, although without any attachment visible. Attachments metadata (alt text and path) are still shown, and attachment-related filters still work.

Improved error handling

23 Jan 13:05
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  • Better error handling when loading files
    • In case of errors, MARL should not remain stuck on the loading screen anymore, but will get back to the welcome screen (or the main screen if another archive is already loaded) and show an error message (either directly on the welcome screen, or in the tools panel).
    • Github issue #8 - If the JSON files are stored in a subfolder within the ZIP file (instead of being at its root), MARL will attempt to find them and use their location as root.
  • Various small fixes

i18n and tools panel

16 Jan 15:49
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  • [NEW] Internationalization
    • MARL is now usable in English and French, with support for more languages.
    • Get in touch if you want to help translating MARL in your language!
    • The language files can be found in dev/public/js/i18n.
  • [NEW] Tools panel
    • A new "Tools" button will open a new panel, where you can change various settings for the app (language, theme) as well as see information about your loaded files, messages from the app (app log), and the "about" section.
    • Those settings are saved locally in the browser (localStorage) and automatically applied every time the app is launched.

Refactoring - Astro

08 Jan 18:50
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  • code refactoring: MARL now uses Astro to build its HTML code as well as optimize and bundle its assets (CSS, SVG, images).
  • all assets used to build MARL are now stored in the dev folder.
  • the compiled, ready-to-use app can be found in the dist folder.
  • except for the fact that it's now minified and packaged differently, everything works exactly the same as in version 1.3 for the end user (no new features).

Dark Theme

28 Dec 00:31
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[NEW] dark theme

  • Theme will be set automatically based on your OS or browser preference (default to light if no preference is detected)
  • Support to manually choose the app theme will come in a later update

Support for multiple archive files

09 Dec 20:35
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You can open multiple archive files at once (or add some more after via drag'n'drop) and MARL will show you all their posts in a single chronological list, as well as all the profiles in a tabbed interface. Each profile is automatically color-coded. A new group of filters allow you to filter posts by author.


  • you can select multiple files from the open dialog;
  • if one or several files are already loaded, you can drag and drop more files anywhere on the app window in order for MARL to load those new files and add them to the ones already loaded;
  • for now the "Load new file" button still assumes you want to start over (blank slate); this will probably be changed in a future version.

New features and bug fixes

09 Dec 14:13
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  • [NEW] paging preferences (page size and posts order) are automatically saved to the browser and restored on app load if present
  • various bug fixes and improvements