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rustc panics during compilation #23217

CtrlZvi opened this issue Mar 9, 2015 · 5 comments

rustc panics during compilation #23217

CtrlZvi opened this issue Mar 9, 2015 · 5 comments
A-resolve Area: Name resolution E-easy Call for participation: Easy difficulty. Experience needed to fix: Not much. Good first issue. E-mentor Call for participation: This issue has a mentor. Use #t-compiler/help on Zulip for discussion. E-needs-test Call for participation: An issue has been fixed and does not reproduce, but no test has been added.


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CtrlZvi commented Mar 9, 2015

I tried this code:

#![feature(core, libc, os, unicode)]
extern crate libc;
extern crate unicode;

use std::mem;
use std::num::ToPrimitive;
use std::os;

#[cfg(target_family = "windows")]
#[link(name = "kernel32")]
extern "system" {
    fn SetEnvironmentVariableW(lpName : *const ::libc::wchar_t, lpValue: *const ::libc::wchar_t) -> ::libc::c_int;
    fn GetModuleHandleW(lpModuleName : *const ::libc::wchar_t) -> HINSTANCE;

pub fn get_module_handle(name: Option<&str>) -> Result<Module, String> {
    let handle = match name {
        Some(val) => {
            let n = unicode::str::Utf16Encoder::new(val.chars()).collect::<Vec<::libc::wchar_t>>();
            unsafe { GetModuleHandleW(n.as_ptr()) }
        None => unsafe { GetModuleHandleW(0 as *const ::libc::wchar_t) },
    match handle {
        val if val != 0 as HINSTANCE => Ok(Module { handle : val }),
        _ => Err(os::last_os_error()),

pub fn set_environment_variable(name: &str, value: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
    let n = unicode::str::Utf16Encoder::new(name.chars()).collect::<Vec<::libc::wchar_t>>();
    let v = unicode::str::Utf16Encoder::new(value.chars()).collect::<Vec<::libc::wchar_t>>();
    let error = unsafe { SetEnvironmentVariableW(n.as_ptr(), v.as_ptr()) };
    match error {
        0 => Err(os::last_os_error()),
        _ => Ok(()),

type HANDLE = *mut ::libc::c_void;
pub type WNDPROC = extern "system" fn(HWND, u32, ::libc::uintptr_t, ::libc::uintptr_t) -> ::libc::uintptr_t;

    cbSize : ::libc::c_uint,
    style : ::libc::c_uint,
    lpfnWndProc : WNDPROC,
    cbClsExtra : ::libc::c_int,
    cbWndExtra : ::libc::c_int,
    hInstance : HINSTANCE,
    hIcon : HICON,
    hCursor : HCURSOR,
    hbrBackground : HBRUSH,
    lpszMenuName : *const ::libc::wchar_t,
    lpszClassName : *const ::libc::wchar_t,
    hIconSm : HICON,

struct POINT {
    x : ::libc::c_long,
    y : ::libc::c_long,

struct MSG {
    hwnd : HWND,
    message : ::libc::c_uint,
    wParam : ::libc::uintptr_t,
    lParam : ::libc::uintptr_t,
    time : u32,
    pt : POINT,

#[cfg(target_family = "windows")]
#[link(name = "user32")]
extern "system" {
    fn CreateWindowExW(dwExStyle: u32, lpClassName: *const ::libc::wchar_t, lpWindowName: *const ::libc::wchar_t, dwStyle: u32, x: ::libc::c_int, y: ::libc::c_int, nWidth: ::libc::c_int, nHeight: ::libc::c_int, hWndParent: HWND, hMenu : HMENU, hInstance : HINSTANCE, lpParam : *mut ::libc::c_void) -> HWND;
    fn ShowWindow(hWnd : HWND, nCmdShow : ::libc::c_int) -> ::libc::c_int;
    fn RegisterClassExW(lpwcx : *const WNDCLASSEX) -> u16;
    fn GetMessageW(lpMsg : *mut MSG, hWnd : HWND, wMsgFilterMin : ::libc::c_uint, wMsgFilterMax : ::libc::c_uint) -> ::libc::c_int;
    fn TranslateMessage(lpMsg : *const MSG) -> ::libc::c_int;
    fn DispatchMessageW(lpMsg : *const MSG) -> ::libc::uintptr_t;
    fn DefWindowProcW(hWnd : HWND, Msg : u32, wParam : ::libc::uintptr_t, lParam : ::libc::uintptr_t) -> ::libc::uintptr_t;

pub fn default_window_procedure(window_handle : *mut ::libc::c_void, message_identifier : u32, parameter1 : ::libc::uintptr_t, parameter2 : ::libc::uintptr_t) -> ::libc::uintptr_t {
    unsafe { DefWindowProcW(window_handle, message_identifier, parameter1, parameter2) }

pub struct Message {
    message : MSG,
    pub number : ::libc::c_uint,

pub fn show_window(window : &Window, show_command : ::libc::c_int) -> bool {
    match unsafe { ShowWindow(window.handle, show_command) } {
        0 => true,
        _ => false,

pub fn get_message(window : Option<&Window>, message_filter_minimum : ::libc::c_uint, message_filter_maximum : ::libc::c_uint) -> Result<Message, String> {
    let mut message = MSG {
        hwnd : 0 as HWND,
        message : 0,
        wParam : 0,
        lParam : 0,
        time : 0,
        pt : POINT { x : 0, y : 0 },
    let result = unsafe { GetMessageW(
        &mut message,
        match window {
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as HWND,
    ) };
    match result {
        -1 => Err(os::last_os_error()),
        0 => Ok(Message { number : message.message, message : message }), // TODO(zeffron 2015 03 03) Figure out how to indicate WM_QUIT without requiring the user to read the message number (probably via Enum)
        _ => Ok(Message { number : message.message, message : message,  }),

pub fn translate_message(message : &Message) -> bool {
    let result = unsafe { TranslateMessage(&message.message) };
    match result {
        0 => false,
        _ => true,

pub fn dispatch_message(message : &Message) -> ::libc::uintptr_t {
    unsafe { DispatchMessageW(&message.message) }

pub struct WindowClassExtended {
    pub style : ::libc::c_uint,
    pub window_procedure : WNDPROC,
    pub class_extra : ::libc::c_int,
    pub window_extra : ::libc::c_int,
    pub module : Option<Module>,
    pub icon : Option<Icon>,
    pub cursor : Option<Cursor>,
    pub background_brush : Option<Brush>,
    pub menu_name : String,
    pub class_name : String,
    pub small_icon : Option<Icon>,

pub fn register_class_extended(class : WindowClassExtended) -> Result<u16, String> {
    let window_class = WNDCLASSEX {
        cbSize : mem::size_of::<WNDCLASSEX>().to_u32().unwrap(),
        style :,
        lpfnWndProc : class.window_procedure,
        cbClsExtra : class.class_extra,
        cbWndExtra : class.window_extra,
        hInstance : match class.module {
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as *mut ::libc::c_void,
        hIcon : match class.icon {
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as *mut ::libc::c_void,
        hCursor : match class.cursor {
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as *mut ::libc::c_void,
        hbrBackground : match class.background_brush {
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as *mut ::libc::c_void,
        lpszMenuName : unicode::str::Utf16Encoder::new(class.menu_name.chars()).collect::<Vec<::libc::wchar_t>>().as_ptr(),
        lpszClassName : unicode::str::Utf16Encoder::new(class.class_name.chars()).collect::<Vec<::libc::wchar_t>>().as_ptr(),
        hIconSm : match class.small_icon {
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as *mut ::libc::c_void,
    let atom = unsafe { RegisterClassExW(&window_class) };
    match atom {
        0 =>  Err(os::last_os_error()),
        val => Ok(val),

pub struct Window {
    handle : HWND,

pub struct Menu {
    handle : HMENU,

pub struct Module {
    handle : HINSTANCE,

pub struct Icon {
    handle : HICON,

pub struct Cursor {
    handle : HCURSOR,

pub struct Brush {
    handle : HBRUSH,

const CW_USEDEFAULT : ::libc::c_int = -0x80000000;

pub fn create_window_extended(extended_style: u32, class_name: Option<&str>, window_name: Option<&str>, style: u32, x: Option<::libc::c_int>, y: Option<::libc::c_int>, width: Option<::libc::c_int>, height: Option<::libc::c_int>, parent_window : Option<&Window>, menu : Option<&Menu>, module : Option<&Module>) -> Result<Window, String> {
    let window_handle = unsafe { CreateWindowExW(
        match class_name {
            Some(val) => unicode::str::Utf16Encoder::new(val.chars()).collect::<Vec<::libc::wchar_t>>().as_ptr(),
            None => 0 as *const ::libc::wchar_t,
        match window_name {
            Some(val) => unicode::str::Utf16Encoder::new(val.chars()).collect::<Vec<::libc::wchar_t>>().as_ptr(),
            None => 0 as *const ::libc::wchar_t,
        match x {
            Some(val) => val,
            None => CW_USEDEFAULT,
        match y {
            Some(val) => val,
            None => CW_USEDEFAULT,
        match width {
            Some(val) => val,
            None => CW_USEDEFAULT,
        match height {
            Some(val) => val,
            None => CW_USEDEFAULT,
        match parent_window {
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as HWND,
        match menu {
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as HMENU,
        match module{
            Some(val) => val.handle,
            None => 0 as HINSTANCE,
        0 as *mut ::libc::c_void
    match window_handle {
        val if val == 0 as HWND => Err(os::last_os_error()),
        val => Ok(Window { handle : val as *mut ::libc::c_void }),

pub enum ClassStyle {
    VerticalRedraw = 0x0001,
    HorizontalRedraw = 0x0002,
    DoubleClicks = 0x0008,
    OwnDeviceContext = 0x0020,
    ClassDeviceContext = 0x0040,
    ParentDeviceContext = 0x0080,
    NoClose = 0x0200,
    SaveBits = 0x0800,
    ByteAlignClient = 0x1000,
    ByteAlignWindow = 0x2000,
    GlobalClass = 0x4000,
    DropShadow = 0x00020000,

pub enum WindowStyle {
    Border = 0x00800000,
    Caption = 0x00C00000,
    Child = 0x40000000,
    ClipChildren = 0x02000000,
    ClipSiblings = 0x04000000,
    Disabled = 0x08000000,
    DialogFrame = 0x00400000,
    Group = 0x00020000,
    HorizontalScrollBar = 0x00100000,
    Maximize = 0x01000000,
    MaximizeBox = 0x00010000 | WindowStyle::SystemMenu as u32,
    Minimize = 0x20000000,
    MinimizeBox = 0x00020000 | WindowStyle::SystemMenu as u32,
    Overlapped = 0x00000000,
    OverlappedWindow = WindowStyle::Overlapped as u32 | WindowStyle::Caption as u32 | WindowStyle::SystemMenu as u32 | WindowStyle::ThickFrame as u32 | WindowStyle::MinimizeBox as u32 | WindowStyle::MaximizeBox as u32,
    Popup = 0x80000000,
    PopupWindow = WindowStyle::Popup as u32 | WindowStyle::Border as u32 | WindowStyle::SystemMenu as u32,
    SizeBox = 0x00040000,
    SystemMenu = 0x00080000,
    TabStop = 0x00010000,
    Visible = 0x10000000,
    VerticalScrollBar = 0x00200000,

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_get_module_handle_current_module() {
        assert!(match get_module_handle(None) {
            Ok(_) => true,
            Err(_) => false,

    fn test_get_module_handle_unknown_module() {
        assert!(match get_module_handle("foo") {
            Ok(_) => false,
            Err(_) => true,

    fn test_set_environment_variable() {
        use std::env;

        let name = "key";
        let value = "value";
        assert!(set_environment_variable(name, value) == Ok(()));
        assert!(env::var(name) == Ok(value.to_string()));

    fn test_register_class_extended() {
        extern "system" fn window_procedure(window_handle : *mut ::libc::c_void, message_identifier : u32, parameter1 : ::libc::uintptr_t, parameter2 : ::libc::uintptr_t) -> ::libc::uintptr_t {
            match message_identifier {
                _ => default_window_procedure(window_handle, message_identifier, parameter1, parameter2)
        let window_class = WindowClassExtended {
            style : 0,
            window_procedure : window_procedure,
            class_extra : 0,
            window_extra : 0,
            module : None,
            icon : None,
            cursor : None,
            background_brush : None,
            menu_name : "".to_string(),
            class_name : "RustSampleWindowClass".to_string(),
            small_icon : None,
        let atom = register_class_extended(window_class);
        assert!(match atom {
            Ok(_) => true,
            Err(_) => false,

Then ran this command:

rustc --crate-name win32 --crate-type lib -g --emit=dep-info,link --verbose

I expected to see successful compilation followed by tests running.

Instead, this happened:

error: internal compiler error: unexpected panic
note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.
note: we would appreciate a bug report:
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace
thread 'rustc' panicked at 'path not fully resolved: PathResolution { base_def:
DefTy(DefId { krate: 0, node: 894 }, true), last_private: LastMod(AllPublic), de
pth: 1 }', C:/bot/slave/nightly-dist-rustc-win-64/build/src/librustc\middle\def.

stack backtrace:
   1:         0x71217094 - sys::backtrace::write::h669f8e0f2a2c73f7UVA
   2:         0x71231708 - rt::unwind::register::hcda86f4971e7940bZpJ
   3:         0x71183427 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::ha77dc9ac3cfb5574onJ
   4:         0x71183beb - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::h8ea5d25622c032c4ZlJ
   5:          0x15991f7 - middle::const_eval::eval_const_expr_partial::ha9d8d88f013a10ad7lh
   6:          0x1597788 - middle::const_eval::eval_const_expr_partial::ha9d8d88f013a10ad7lh
   7:          0x1597baa - middle::const_eval::eval_const_expr_partial::ha9d8d88f013a10ad7lh


rustc --version --verbose:
rustc 1.0.0-nightly (2fc8b1e 2015-03-07) (built 2015-03-08)
binary: rustc
commit-hash: 2fc8b1e
commit-date: 2015-03-07
build-date: 2015-03-08
host: x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
release: 1.0.0-nightly

1: 0x71217094 - sys::backtrace::write::h669f8e0f2a2c73f7UVA
2: 0x71231708 - rt::unwind::register::hcda86f4971e7940bZpJ
3: 0x71183427 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::ha77dc9ac3cfb5574onJ
4: 0x71183beb - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::h8ea5d25622c032c4ZlJ
5: 0x15991f7 - middle::const_eval::eval_const_expr_partial::ha9d8d88f013a10ad7lh
6: 0x1597788 - middle::const_eval::eval_const_expr_partial::ha9d8d88f013a10ad7lh
7: 0x1597baa - middle::const_eval::eval_const_expr_partial::ha9d8d88f013a10ad7lh

@jdm jdm added A-resolve Area: Name resolution I-ICE Issue: The compiler panicked, giving an Internal Compilation Error (ICE) ❄️ labels Mar 9, 2015
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The bug is that WindowStyle::ThickFrame is undefined. Minimal test case:

pub enum SomeEnum {
    B = SomeEnum::A,

fn main() {}

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CtrlZvi commented May 12, 2015

Thanks for noticing that, @Stebalien ! Much better test case, and allows me to fix my code so I'm not blocked.

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lholden commented Sep 9, 2015

I am seeing this same bug with an undefined type. Seems to be the same as above, so not including a test case. This is on the nightly channel.

  Compiling xxxx v0.1.0 (file:///home/lholden/Projects/xxxx)
src/systems/ 28:43 error: no associated item named `UserInput` found for type `protocol::Protocol` in the current scope
src/systems/                 Protocol::UserInput(input) => input,
note: in expansion of while let expansion
src/systems/ 42:10 note: expansion site
error: internal compiler error: unexpected panic
note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.
note: we would appreciate a bug report:
thread 'rustc' panicked at 'path not fully resolved: PathResolution { base_def: DefTy(DefId { krate: 0, node: 15 => protocol::Protocol }, true), last_private: LastMod(AllPublic), depth: 1 }', ../src/librustc/middle/

stack backtrace:
   1:     0x7f4d6de36ef9 - sys::backtrace::tracing::imp::write::h2dd719d6a90d1694REs
   2:     0x7f4d6de3dba6 - panicking::on_panic::hcdc970a599b2a4877ox
   3:     0x7f4d6de0167e - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::h6793c7a97a7e3d7cDRw
   4:     0x7f4d6de023c7 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::hf41ce6a5eab0f5e3JQw
   5:     0x7f4d6bb87af6 - middle::mem_categorization::MemCategorizationContext<'t, 'a, 'tcx>::cat_pattern_::h15751778615198713220
   6:     0x7f4d6bb86f72 - middle::expr_use_visitor::ExprUseVisitor<'d, 't, 'a, 'tcx>::determine_pat_move_mode::hbea6ec65ddad4bacEHr
   7:     0x7f4d6bb5b5f0 - middle::expr_use_visitor::ExprUseVisitor<'d, 't, 'a, 'tcx>::walk_expr::he39be1fe2073ca9e6Rq

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I was not able to reproduce the minimal test case as an ICE. Now it returns a compiler error:

error: constant evaluation error: unresolved path in constant expression [E0080]
rustc 1.6.0-nightly (8ca0acc25 2015-10-28)
binary: rustc
commit-hash: 8ca0acc25adb00d29e52b015bded4b2872a1170c
commit-date: 2015-10-28
host: x86_64-apple-darwin
release: 1.6.0-nightly

@steveklabnik steveklabnik added E-easy Call for participation: Easy difficulty. Experience needed to fix: Not much. Good first issue. E-needs-test Call for participation: An issue has been fixed and does not reproduce, but no test has been added. E-mentor Call for participation: This issue has a mentor. Use #t-compiler/help on Zulip for discussion. and removed I-ICE Issue: The compiler panicked, giving an Internal Compilation Error (ICE) ❄️ labels Nov 1, 2015
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Same. 👍

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A-resolve Area: Name resolution E-easy Call for participation: Easy difficulty. Experience needed to fix: Not much. Good first issue. E-mentor Call for participation: This issue has a mentor. Use #t-compiler/help on Zulip for discussion. E-needs-test Call for participation: An issue has been fixed and does not reproduce, but no test has been added.
None yet

No branches or pull requests

6 participants