You visited a Rails Girls Workshop and now want to join a project group to really learn the way of the code? Or maybe you recently coached at a workshop and now want to do it on a regular basis! If that's the case, this little app is just the one for you!
An overview of who meets when, where, with whom to work on what.
Please take a look at our Guidelines to Contributing in CONTRIBUTING.MD
You can learn about our Code of Conduct online or in the repo
Ruby version 2.5.x
Rails version 5.1.x
Make sure you have ImageMagick installed.
In Terminal run (OS X):
brew install imagemagick
On Ubuntu/Debian, you can run (or with the package manager of your choice):
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
You also need to install postgres tools on Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
Get the code from this repo
git clone [email protected]:rubycorns/
Get all the secrets:
cp config/secrets.yml.sample config/secrets.yml
Install all the gems
bundle install
Spice up the database
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Note: if running the migrations alters the schema.db file with changes such as unneccessary linebreaks and spaces, and you have not created any of your own migrations to specifically modify it, it's best not to commit the schema file. You can delete the modified file from your local copy by running git checkout db/schema.rb
Get some data
bundle exec rake db:seed
Run the server
bundle exec rails s
et voilá
Run all the tests
bundle exec rspec
contains a few lines on how to setup MailCatcher so you can check the emails you sent locally.
Note: you will need permission from rubycorns in order to push your branches to this repository. Until you have been granted permission, please fork this repository, and create a branch from your fork.
Create new branch (you should be in the directory of the project)
git branch Name_of_your_branch
Switch to the newly created branch (the same if you need to change to the branch that already exist)
git checkout Name_of_your_branch
Or for lazy people like Tobi (does both steps at the same time):
git checkout -b Name_of_your_branch
Push the new branch to the repository (with some commits or just "bare" branch)
git push --set-upstream origin Name_of_your_branch
Delete local branch
git branch -D Name_of_your_branch
Make changes, then
git add -A
Tell the others what you did
git commit -m "description of changes"
Off to GitHub
git push
- Select your branch on GitHub.
- Click 'Pull Request'.
- Write a little summary of what you did and alert people if you need help. before merging.
- When you merge and close your branch, please make sure to include a ridiculous gif.
We are hosted by Uberspace. The app runs at
To deploy, run:
git push production master
this will push the current version of the master branch from your local repository to production, run bundler and precompile the assets if necessary, and restart the server.
To set this up, first make that you have ssh access to the production server. If this command works, then you have ssh access. If not, ask someone of the Rubycorns to give you access.
ssh [email protected] echo itworks
Then in your local repository, add a git remote for production:
git remote add production [email protected]
That should be it.
The scripts that are run after a push are in the deploy directory. See also for more info.
In case this doesn't work though, ssh into server and try to restart the daemontools service:
svc -t ~/service/ror
If the app is not working, there might be an error on startup (e.g. a
missing gem), and daemontools tries to start it again and again. Check
with e.g. ps fuxwww
if the pid of the thin server constantly
changes. If that is the case, try to stop the service with
svc -d ~/service/ror
then start it manually to see the errors on the console, with
or follow the contents of that file to see what it is actually doing. Once fixed, run
svc -u ~/service/ror
to start the service in regular mode again. See for more info (in german).
Other useful things and places to look at:
- use
$ pgrep -fl thin
to check if only one thin process is running. If there are two kill the one with the constant pid$ kill pid
so the new thin can start - check the service log for weirdness
$ tail -n 100 -f /home/ror/etc/run-ror/log/main/current