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GCS ~ FishingFanCam

[email protected] edited this page Nov 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

Displaying the video stream via Fishing Fan Cam App

Connect your device either via USB Tethering, Wifi-Hotspot or Ethernet-Hotspot to the GroundPi.


Fishing FanCam app

Fishing Fan Cam App Settings

  • Click on the eye icon (on the bottom right)
  • Now a debug screen appears, select all on the upper bar, delete all parameters and set:

udpsrc port=5000 ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! autovideosink sync=false

Set FORWARD_STREAM=raw in wifibroadcast-1.txt to send a raw h264 stream



Hardware Setup

Software Setup

RC Control

Ground Stations

Expert Settings

Extensions / AddOns

  • HDMI-in cards
  • WebCams
  • Video Switcher
  • Thermal (FLIR, Seek)
  • 360° cameras


Developer's Corner


Known Issues

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