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Expert ~ Optimizing Power Consumption

[email protected] edited this page Nov 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

Optimising power consumption

(kindly contributed by @gba-gbob)

In the world of micro FPV sensible power consumption is important. Below measurements should give you a rough idea on what savings can be made.

Setup / Test environment

  • Setup: Raspberry Cam v2, M08-50 RT5370N Wifi adapter
  • Lipo battery wired directly into header pins 2->3.8 VDC, 6->GND
  • Very likely transmitter power adjustment had no effect on this particular setup
  • Setting over_voltage less than -4 causes reboots
  • Reducing cpu arm_freq below 600 has very minimal effect power consumption < 10ma
  • Measured with Vici VC99 multimeter
consumption mA@voltage change mA config change notes
400-430@5v 0 none
[email protected] 0 none keeps rebooting not usable
400-430@5v 0 force_turbo=0
360-370@5v -50ma arm_freq=600 10% cpu idle VIDEO_BITRATE=auto, 48% cpu idle VIDEO_BITRATE=3000
300-320@5v -50ma VIDEO_BITRATE=3000
290-310@5v -10ma FPS=30
310-350@5v +30ma DATARATE=2
300-330@5v +15ma DATARATE=3
290-310@5v 0 DATARATE=4
260-290@5v -25ma /usr/bin/tvservice -o switching of hdmi output
260-290@5v 0 over_voltage values -4 to 6 no effect
260-290@5v 0 over_voltage_sdram values -4 to 6 no effect
260-290@5v 0 txpower_ralink values -5 to 5 no effect

After optimization

  • 260-290@5v (100-110mA Wifi adapter)
  • 360-390@3,8v (130-150mA Wifi adapter)
  • Find wifi card obeying transmission power settings hopefully allowing sub 200ma@5v setup.



Hardware Setup

Software Setup

RC Control

Ground Stations

Expert Settings

Extensions / AddOns

  • HDMI-in cards
  • WebCams
  • Video Switcher
  • Thermal (FLIR, Seek)
  • 360° cameras


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