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Common Errors: .restyled.yaml

patrick brisbin edited this page Oct 29, 2022 · 12 revisions

The general syntax of a configuration error is:

We had trouble with your configuration:
Error in <location>: <message>.


The location string is a (perhaps cryptic) attempt at telling you where the error was encountered:

  • <location>[<index>] means the element at index <index> of an array located at <location>
  • <location>[<name>] means the <name> key of an object located at <location>
  • Depending on the error, the above may also appear as <location>.<name>
  • $ means the top-level document

Working backwards, $.restylers[0] would mean the 0th element of the restylers key in the top-level document. For example:

                      # <-- top-level document
restylers:            # <-- restylers key
  - stylish_haskell:  # <-- 0th element
        - "**/*.hs"
  - brittany

And a similar error may use $['restylers'][0] for that location.


The following is a non-exhaustive list of error message you may see, as well as potential causes and solutions.

Did you intend to specify a full Restyler object...

TL;DR: you may have incorrect indentation.

restylers values are expected to be a "named override":

# Exhibit A
  - prettier:           # <-- key: the name of a known Restyler
      include:          # <-- value: an object overriding some of its properties
        - "**/*.jsx"

But we also support fully specifying a Restyler directly:

# Exhibit B
  - name: prettier                       # <-- element: flat, complete Restyler object
    image: restyled/restyler-prettier
    command: [prettier]
    arguments: [--inplace]
    include: [...]
    # more keys...

Normally, this feature is only known to Restyled contributors who may use it to try out custom Restylers or non-default features not directly supported in the named-override syntax. The problem is it's super easy to accidentally do this:

  - prettier:
      - "**/*.jsx"

Notice how you meant to do Exhibit A, but this will parse like Exhibit B. The error that results could be confusing because it will talk about prettier being an invalid key for a Restyler (it is), when the real problem is that include needs to be shifted over two characters.

The solution is to make sure your indentation is like Exhibit A, assuming that's what you meant.

Mapping values are not allowed in this context

This error basically means you've started to define an Object (key-values) in a place where that's not expected or allowed by the Yaml syntax. The most common reason for this is when you take a configuration naming Restylers as String names:

  - brittany

And start treating them as the key into a configuration Object,

  - brittany
        - "**/*.hs"
        - "!src/BadFile.hs"

This is invalid because you've not changed the String name into a key,

  - brittany:  # <- missing ":"
        - "**/*.hs"
        - "!src/BadFile.hs"

If you pay careful attention to the syntax highlighting differences in these two examples, that can help spot such problems.

For more details see the Configuration Reference.