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Common Errors: Restyle Error

Pat Brisbin edited this page May 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

Exit code: 137

See the dedicated page.

Too Many Changed Paths

Why does this happen?

Restyled is a small project with limited resources. We're able to offer our services affordably to many users because we typically only operate on a small number of changed files per Pull Request. This allows us to run fewer services and instances and keep costs surprisingly low (about a penny per Job). When a Pull Request enters our system with a massive number of changed files, it:

  • Takes too long to complete to be useful to the user that triggered it
  • Backs up our main queues until auto-scaling kicks in, effecting other users
  • Increases our costs while such Jobs run

None of this would be a problem if the work were useful, but (as any team that cares about code review will tell you) massive PRs are typically not those that represent real changes that need review and/or restyling. Most often, these large PRs are opened by bots or other automation, for example to synchronize a mirror. Restyled has no business operating on these PRs.

Therefore, we implemented a limit on the number of changed files we're willing to Restyle. This is not a hard limit, it's just a default set .restyled.yaml:

  maximum: 1000
  outcome: error

By default, if we see a Pull Request with over 1,000 changed files, we will report a Restyling Error.

What can I do about it?

Anecdotally, Pull Requests with a high quantity of changed files fall into the following categories:

  1. You're performing some synchronization between branches (such as updating a mirror)

    If you do this frequently, consider adjusting the changed_paths setting to silently skip these PRs:

      maximum: 1000
      outcome: skip  # <--
  2. You've made some bulk changes to not-actually-source files

    If you have a directory that is not actually source files, you can ignore them via the global exclude setting:

      - "**/*.patch"
      - "**/node_modules/**/*"
      - "**/vendor/**/*"
      - ".github/workflows/**/*"
      - "**/assets/**/*"  # <--

    Changes to these files will no longer impact Restyled.

  3. You're doing some kind of one-time mass change and you don't want Restyled to operate on all the changed files

    If Restyled is not a required status, or you have Admin rights, we suggest you just merge around the failing check. You don't want to add unnecessary excludes or change the outcome to skip for this sort of one-time event.

  4. You're doing some kind of one-time mass change and you do want Restyled to operate on all the changed files

    For this case, you could temporarily raise the maximum as necessary in the branch with the mass change:

      maximum: 10000  # <--
      outcome: error

    When doing this, we ask that you consider the following:

    • Allowing Restyled to run on a massive number of files could be very slow, possibly fail, and impact our other customers. It's mostly fine, but please be responsible in this choice.
    • If it's not too much trouble, you could restyle the branch locally, using restyle-path