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krebbl edited this page Mar 3, 2013 · 5 revisions


There are two types of rAppid.js projects which can be created:

  • Application - rAppid.js application using libraries
  • Library - library which can be used in applications

The difference between these projects types is that an application project defines a public folder holding an application which can be run. A library project isn't runnable and defines classes and components which can be used from an application project.

Application project

An application project defines an application, which is runnable in the browser and can be rendered on the server side with [node][Node Rendering].

A new application project can be created with the rappidjs command.

rappidjs create app <ApplicationName> [<TargetDirectory>]

The target directory parameter is optional. By default the current working directory is used.

Project structure

The following project structure will be created from the command.

/doc                        your application documentation
/node_modules               rAppid.js packages and node modules
    /rAppid.js                  rAppid.js core package
        /js       <----|            rAppid.js core package root 
/public                |    web root
    /app               |        application root
        App.xml        |        application main class
        AppClass.js    |        application code behind
        /entity        |            entities go here (ns: app.entity.*)
        /locale        |            i18n files
        /model         |            models go here (ns: app.model.*)
        /module        |            modules (ns: app.module.*)
        /view          |            views (ns: app.view.*)
    config.json        |    configuration
    index.html         |    start html file
    js   ---symlink----|    linked rAppid.js package
package.json                package description file for publish per npm
/test                       application tests 
/xsd                        application schemas
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