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Concepts (draft)

Marcus Krejpowicz edited this page Oct 30, 2013 · 4 revisions

Understanding the Concepts of rAppid.js


Think in Components

In rAppid.js nearly everything, except of the data is a component. A component can be some service or manager which encapsulates business logic or a view which contains view logic for rendering a model or other attributes.

Think in MVVM-Bindings

Bindings will help you to keep the view in sync with the model. Therefor every view state should be represented by a data model somehow.

Think in Standards

rAppid.js lets you use normal HTML elements and their native attributes combined with bindings. So you don't need to learn a whole new set of attributes. If you know HTML, you can start straight away.

Think about Applications not Libraries

The main goal of rAppid.js is to support you with everything you need for an application. That's why it comes with a lot of ready to use components that will help you to write clean maintainable code.

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