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Releases: r-lib/cpp11

cpp11 0.5.2

04 Mar 14:34
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  • Fixed an issue related to -Wdeprecated-literal-operator (#447, @andrjohns).

cpp11 0.5.1

04 Dec 20:04
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  • cpp11 now requires R >=4.0.0, in line with the
    tidyverse version policy (#411).

  • Because cpp11 now requires R >=4.0.0, a number of previously optional tools
    are now always available, allowing us to remove some dead code. In

    • R_UnwindProtect() is always available, so the defines HAS_UNWIND_PROTECT
      and CPP11_UNWIND are no longer useful.

    • ALTREP is always available, so the file cpp11/altrep.hpp and the define
      HAS_ALTREP are no longer useful.

    We would like to remove the dead code regarding these tools in the future, so
    we ask that you please remove usage of them from your own packages (#411).

  • R_NO_REMAP and STRICT_R_HEADERS are now conditionally defined only if they
    have not already been defined elsewhere. This is motivated by the fact that
    R_NO_REMAP is becoming the default for C++ code in R 4.5.0 (#410).

  • Fixed a small protection issue flagged by rchk (#408).

cpp11 0.5.0

29 Oct 22:58
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R non-API related changes

  • Removed usage of the following R non-API functions:




    These functions were used as part of the efficient growable vectors that
    cpp11 offered, i.e. what happens under the hood when you use push_back().
    The removal of these non-API functions means that cpp11 writable vectors that
    have been pushed to with push_back() will likely force 1 extra allocation
    when the conversion from cpp11::writable::r_vector<T> to SEXP occurs
    (typically when you return a result back to R). This does not affect the
    performance of push_back() itself, and in general these growable vectors
    are still quite efficient (#362).

  • The environment class no longer uses the non-API function
    Rf_findVarInFrame3() (#367).

    • The exists() method now uses the new R_existsVarInFrame() function.

    • The SEXP conversion operator now uses the new R_getVar() function. Note
      that this is stricter than Rf_findVarInFrame3() in 3 ways. The object
      must exist in the environment (i.e. R_UnboundValue is no longer returned),
      the object cannot be R_MissingArg, and if the object was a promise, that
      promise is now evaluated. We have backported this new strictness to older
      versions of R as well.

New features

  • cpp11::writable::r_vector<T>::proxy now implements copy assignment.
    Practically this means that x[i] = y[i] now works when both x and y
    are writable vectors (#300, #339).

  • New writable::data_frame constructor that also takes the number of rows as
    input. This accounts for the edge case where the input list has 0 columns but
    you'd still like to specify a known number of rows (#272).

  • std::max_element() can now be used with writable vectors (#334).

  • Read only r_vectors now have a move constructor and move assignment
    operator (#365).

Improvements and fixes

  • Repeated assignment to a cpp11::writable::strings vector through either
    x[i] = elt or x.push_back(elt) is now more performant, at the tradeoff
    of slightly less safety (as long as elt is actually a CHARSXP and i is
    within bounds, there is no chance of failure, which are the same kind of
    invariants placed on the other vector types) (#378).

  • Constructors for writable vectors from initializer_list<named_arg> now
    check that named_arg contains a length 1 object of the correct type, and
    throws either a cpp11::type_error or std::length_error if that is not the
    case (#382).

  • cpp11::package now errors if given a package name that hasn't been loaded
    yet. Previously it would cause R to hang indefinitely (#317).

  • cpp11::function now protects its underlying function, for maximum safety

  • cpp11::writable::r_vector<T>::iterator no longer implicitly deletes its
    copy assignment operator (#360).

  • Added the missing implementation for"name") for read only vectors

  • Fixed an issue with the writable::matrix copy constructor where the
    underlying SEXP should have been copied but was not. It is now consistent with
    the behavior of the equivalent writable::r_vector copy constructor.

  • Fixed a memory leak with the cpp11::writable::r_vector move assignment
    operator (#338).

  • Fixed an issue where writable vectors were being protected twice (#365).

  • The approach for the protection list managed by cpp11 has been tweaked
    slightly. In 0.4.6, we changed to an approach that creates one protection list
    per compilation unit, but we now believe we've found an approach that is
    guaranteed by the C++ standard to create one protection list per package,
    which makes slightly more sense and still has all the benefits of the reduced
    maintanence burden mentioned in the 0.4.6 news bullet (#364).

    A side effect of this new approach is that the preserved object exposed
    through protect.hpp no longer exists. We don't believe that anyone was using
    this. This also means you should no longer see "unused variable" warnings
    about preserved (#249).

Breaking changes

  • R >=3.6.0 is now required. This is in line with (and even goes beyond) the
    tidyverse standard of supporting the previous 5 minor releases of R.

  • Implicit conversion from sexp to bool, size_t, and double has been
    marked as deprecated and will be removed in the next version of cpp11. The 3
    packages that were using this have been notified and sent PRs. The recommended
    approach is to instead use cpp11::as_cpp<T>, which performs type and length
    checking, making it much safer to use.

  • Dropped support for gcc 4.8, mainly an issue for extremely old CentOS 7
    systems which used that as their default compiler. As of June 2024, CentOS 7
    is past its vendor end of support date and therefore also out of scope for
    Posit at this time (#359).

cpp11 0.4.7

04 Dec 13:46
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  • Internal changes requested by CRAN to fix invalid format string tokens
    (@paleolimbot, #345).

cpp11 0.4.6

10 Aug 13:56
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  • R >=3.5.0 is now required to use cpp11. This is in line with (and even goes
    beyond) the tidyverse standard of supporting the previous 5 minor releases of
    R. It also ensures that R_UnwindProtect() is available to avoid C++ memory
    leaks (#332).

  • cpp11::preserved.release_all() has been removed. This was intended to
    support expert developers on R <3.5.0 when cpp11 used a global protection
    list. Since cpp11 no longer uses a global protection list and requires R

    =3.5.0, it is no longer needed. As far as we can tell, no package was
    actively using this (#332).

  • cpp11 now creates one protection list per compilation unit, rather than one
    global protection list shared across compilation units and across packages.
    This greatly reduces the complexity of managing the protection list state and
    should make it easier to make changes to the protection list structure in the
    future without breaking packages compiled with older versions of cpp11 (#330).

  • Nested calls to cpp11::unwind_protect() are no longer supported or
    encouraged. Previously, this was something that could be done for performance
    improvements, but ultimately this feature has proven to cause more problems
    than it is worth and is very hard to use safely. For more information, see the
    new vignette("FAQ") section titled "Should I call cpp11::unwind_protect()
    manually?" (#327).

  • The features and bug fixes from cpp11 0.4.4 have been added back in.

cpp11 0.4.5

25 Jul 15:08
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  • On 2023-07-20, cpp11 was temporarily rolled back to 0.4.3 manually by CRAN due
    to a bug in 0.4.4 which we could not immediately fix due to the cpp11
    maintainer being on vacation.

cpp11 0.4.4

05 Jul 18:25
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  • Davis Vaughan is now the maintainer.

  • as_doubles() and as_integers() now propagate missing values correctly
    (#265, #319).

  • Fixed a performance issue related to nested unwind_protect() calls (#298).

  • Minor performance improvements to the cpp11 protect code. (@kevinushey)

  • Silenced an unknown attribute warning specific to the Intel compiler

  • cpp_register() gains an argument extension= governing the file extension of
    the src/cpp11 file. By default it's .cpp, but .cc is now supported
    as well (#292, @MichaelChirico)

cpp11 0.4.3

12 Oct 09:10
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  • Modernized the GitHub Actions workflows and updated some internal tests to
    better align with changes in those workflows and the latest version of R

  • cpp_source() errors on non-existent file (#261).

  • cpp_register() is quiet by default when R is non interactive (#289).

  • updated test to adapt to changes in R 4.2.1 (#290).

cpp11 0.4.2

30 Nov 14:24
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  • Romain François is now the maintainer.

cpp11 0.4.1

08 Nov 19:58
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  • Fix crash related to unwind protect optimization (#244)