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Summarizing Data with travelSurveyTools

Suzanne Childress edited this page May 22, 2024 · 1 revision

To get ready to summarize data with travelSurveyTools:

  1. Read through this documentation:
  2. Open the codebook and familarize yourself with it. J:/Projects/Surveys/HHTravel/Survey2023/Data/data_published/PSRC_Codebook_2023_v1.xlsx
  3. Open the survey questionnaire and familiarize yourself with it. J:/Projects/Surveys/HHTravel/Survey2023/Documents/Survey_Instrument/Puget_Sound_HTS_Questionnaire_2023_Final.docx
  4. Look at the data in Elmer, using Azure Data Studio: in the views Elmer.HHSurvey.v_households_labels, v_persons_labels, v_days_labels, v_trips_labels.
  5. Pull or clone the travel survey repository code from Github at
  6. Use devtools to install travelSurveyTools: devtools::install_github('rsgInc/travelSurveyTools')
  7. Run the quarto notebook in RStudio: