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Unit testing basics

Gael Lazzari edited this page Aug 23, 2012 · 13 revisions

Let's create a minimalist GWT view, which contains a button and a label.

UiBinder file:

<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g="">
    <g:Button ui:field="button">Display something</g:Button>
    <g:Label ui:field="label" />

Java file:

public class SampleView extends Composite {

  interface SampleViewUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, SampleView> { }
  private static SampleViewUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(SampleViewUiBinder.class);
  Button button;
  Label label;
  public SampleView() {
  void onClick(ClickEvent e) {
    label.setText("The button was clicked !");

When the button is clicked, the label displays "The button was clicked !". Couldn't be simpler !

Now, we want to write a unit test to ensure that clicking the button will always display "The button was clicked !" in the label :

public class SampleViewTest extends GwtTest {
  public void clickOnButtonShouldDisplayMessageInLabel() {
    // Arrange
    SampleView view = new SampleView();
    // ensure the label is visible and empty at init
    // Act : simule the click event;
    // Assert: label should be visible and filled
    GwtAssertions.assertThat(view.label).isVisible().textEquals("The button was clicked !");
  • The test class must extends GwtTest, which provides the mechanism to allow the instanciation of GWT components without any web server.

  • The Browser class provides some helpful methods to simulate user events, such as click, double-click, blur, etc.

  • TheGwtAssertions is an extension of fest-assert which provides fluent assertions for GWT widgets.