forked from gwt-test-utils/gwt-test-utils
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Gael Lazzari edited this page Nov 20, 2012
20 revisions
- Support for GWT 2.5
- Mockito support improvement : Add the possibility to stub many time the same RPC method with different result
- GwtAssertions can't extend Assertions because of possible ambiguous assertThat invokations
- Fix ConstantWithLookup error management
- Fix issue 11 : browse workspace searching for java folders & fix maven module java class discovery
- Improve not supported overlay type exception message
- Fix PlaceHistoryMapper support (broken for empty @Tokenizer)
- Remove PopupPanelPatcher which was wrong
- Fix GIN binding support when dealing with dependencies managed by Providers
- Fix GIN support with binded class with no target but with custom scope
- delegate the loading of "org.apache.xerces." classes to the parent classloader
- Improve TableRowElementPatcher
- Fix fireLoopEnd() with mocked RPC services
- Add CsvMethodInvocationHandler feature
- Add enum convert to UiBinderBeanUtils
- Improve @CsvMethod fixture execution: trigger a Browser eventLoop end before and better feedback on error
- make gwt-user and gwt-servlet provided dependencies
- Filter irrelevant error messages logged by GwtTreeLogger
- Modify Browser's method signature, to take interface (IsWidget, HasText..) objects instead of real Widgets as much as possible
- CompilationStateClassLoader now relies on 'delegate' set
- GwtAssertions now extends Assertions from fest-assert as advised here
- Improve GwtTestWithEasyMock
- add ScrollPanelPatcher
- Fix issue when trying to Mock NativePreviewEvent with Mockito
- Fix BrowserSimulator.fireLoopEnd() when mixing scheduled commands and RPC callbacks
- Fix Scheduler RepeatingCommand behavior
- Fix issue 161 : fix support for gwt-guava which was broken since 0.40
- Fix issue 162 : add support for @UiConstructor with non String arguments
- Fix issue 164 : remove parameter used in constructor to the map of parameter used to populate the widget (using BeanUtils)
- Migration to GitHub
- New Assertions API
- Support for Overlay types
- Support for JsArrayXXX overlay types
- Full support for Editors
- Support for AutoBeans
- Request 155: add support for JUnitParameters
- Add Servlet API mocks based on spring-test ones (MockHttpServletRequest, MockHttpServletResponse, MockHttpSession, MockServletConfig, etc.)
- Add BrowserSimulator mechanism to be able to manually trigger browser's event loop end
- Remove JUnit3 (not working) support and some minor fixes to improve JUnit 4.4 support
- Add 'target/generated-sources/gwt' as a default 'src-directory'
- Rename "canDispatchEventsOnDetachedWidgets" feature
- Support for Event.addNativePreviewHandler(..) : notify native preview handlers while triggering an event through Browser class
- Fix MockServletProvider
- Fix issue 96: support for JsonUtils static methods to parse JSON to JavaScriptObject
- Close issue97: fixed when implementing Overlay Types support
- Fix issue 145: add Browser.addText(..) method to add/insert text at ValueBoxBase.getCurrentPos() index and fix Browser.pressKey(..)
- Fix issue 149: UiBinder support for deprecated "TextBoxBase.setTextAlignment" method
- Fix issue 152: provide support for GXT MessageBox
- Fix issue 154: GXT Templates didn't have variables replaced
- Fix issue 157: new Timer implementation based on java.util.Timer
- rename 'gwt-test-utils-gxt' artifactId to 'gwt-test-utils-gxt2' and add a new 'gwt-test-utils-gxt3' one
- Rename 'com.googlecode.gxt.test' package to 'com.googlecode.gwt.test.gxt2'
- Start support for GXT 3.0
- Add GxtTest base class
- API adaptations to prepare for GXT 3.0 integration (GwtModuleRunner ClientProperties methods)
- Remove "registerUiConstructor" method : use a custom Paranamer implementation to be able to retrieve method and constructor parameter names
- Improve JavassistUtils
- Fix 'replace-with' deferred binding support for inner classes
- Add BeanModelLookupCreateHandler to fix build
- Add new CellTable methods in Browser
- Add Browser.submit(..) helper method
- Some cleaning on how event are fired within SimpleEventBus, buffer rpc calls, etc..
- Fix issue 116: fix support for @Provides methods with interface type parameters
- Fix issue 139: Add the possibility to mock HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletConfig and ServletContext through ServletMockProvider
- Fix issue 144: DeferredReplaceWithCreateHandler didn't correctly handle inner classes
- Fix uibinder test resource
- change groupId to com.googlecode.gwt-test-utils and deploy on Maven Central
- rename all package to ""
- Fix issue 132: fix PlaceHistoryMapperCreateHandler
- Fix support for provided @UiFied
- Maven Central release tentative
- New GwtFinder API to be able to find attached Widgets by id, text, html, introspection path...
- Reduce de memory footprint of gwt-test-utils by cleaning the DOM heriarchy after each test
- HTML parsing improvements
- Improvements on Browser class
- Improvements on the CSV API
- Implement requested feature 46 : provide support for PlaceHistoryMapper
- Fix issue 104 & 105: Gin support attempts to bind a Provider, and Guice complains
- Fix issue 106: Support for @UiTemplate
- Fix issue 110: Refactor the computing mechanism of resources relative URL
- Fix issue 112: ignore XML namespaces while parsing XML with DOM (.gwt.xml and web.xml files)
- Fix issue 113: implement JSONObject.toString()
- Fix issue 114: handle @Source path relative to the classpath
- Fix issue 117: Improve support for Window.Location and History
- Fix issue 119: provide support for Grid UiBinding
- Fix issue 122: don't substitute IsSerializable with Serializable when a class implements both interfaces
- Fix issue 124: enable creation of Resources with multiple @Source paths
- Fix issue 127: support for RepeatingCommand in Scheduler
- Fix issue 129: implement support for @UiChild
- Fix issue 130: patch gxt CSS class
- Fix support of RadioButton in radiogroup
- Full support for CellList, CellTable and DataGrid.
- Fix issue 74: provide support for GWT JSON API
- Fix issue 75: events were not dispatched on some widgets which are not attached to the DOM
- Fix issue 76: mocked element didn't have an initialized PropertyContainer
- Fix issue 77: apply ServletDefinitionReader patch to improve Guice errors stacktrace
- Fix issue 79: patch Dictionary
- Fix issue 81: enable gxt-uibinder
- Fix issue 82: Patch XT WidgetComponent setParent method
- Fix issue 83: add URL.encodePathSegmentImpl, add support for setting the url used by Location, add missing XMLParserImpl methods: createTextNode, getOwnerDocument, setAttribute
- Fix issue 84: support UiBinder CellPanel and 'ui:import' tags.
- Fix issue 87: refactor UiBinder classes so that each UiBinderTag can retrieve ui:resource references, improve Resource support (when a Resource interface extends more than one other interfaces) and fix all AssertionErrors
- Fix issue 88: Better HTML attribute support
- Fix issue 90: add support for i18n @Key
- Fix issue 93: allow the same configuration file to be process more than once by ignoring duplicated properties
- Fix issue 98: Improve GwtReflectionUtils.findMethod to be able to retrieve method with primitive types
- Fix issue 100: Update javassist dependency
- Fix issue 101: add support for UiBinder LayoutPanel, StackLayoutPanel, SplitLayoutPanel, MenuBar and MenuItem. Ignore external DTD while parsing XML with DOM
- Adaptation to GWT 2.4.0
- Support for Guice & GIN ! If you're interested in those features, you should read the related wiki pages in the User Guide
- Fix issue 51: better Generator 'replace-with' support
- Fix issue 70: Replace HTMLParser library with NekoHTML which is packaged in gwt-dev.jar
- Fix issue 72: GXT's BeanModelFactory not testable
- Fix issue 73: Provide support for IsWidget in UiBinder
- Browser class now bubbles dispatched events
- Fix issue 51: Add support for custom deferred binding
- Fix issue 55: Event type touchmove not supported
- Fix issue 56: Cannot fire event with mouse position
- Fix issue 57: Improve implementation of 'ui:image', 'ui:style' and 'ui:data'
- Fix issue 58: Add support for JUnit 3 & 4 TestSuite
- Fix issue 59: Improve LocalizableCreateHandler stacktrace.
- Fix issue 60: gwt-test-utils doesn't include the default 'client' path in classes to patch
- Fix issue 61: Dispatching event on any SimplePanel returns a NPE
- Fix issue 62: LocalizableResourcesInvocationHandler doesn't support SafeHtml return type
- Fix issue 63: GWT DOM issue
- Fix issue 64: Patch for DOMImpl.hasAttribute() is missing
- Fix issue 65: Patch for DOMImpl.getEventListener() is missing
- Fix issue 66: Event fired twice on Composite
- Fix issue 67: Fix DOMImpl.isOrHasChild() implementation
- Fix issue 68: JavaScriptObject is missing creation functions
- Fix issue 69: NPE in CookiePatcher
- gwt-test-utils-spring2 and gwt-test-utils-spring3, which were used to be distinct modules to provide some spring support, have been removed. Spring support is now provided in gwt-test-utils core module, regardless of the spring version you are using !
- Support for CellList
- Begin support for CellTable
- Fix a bug with checkbox, which could be clicked although it was disabled
- Fix [issue 52](issue
- Fix [issue 53](issue
- Enhancement : request 54
- Improve UiBinder support
- Improve DOM event support
- Improve some internal code
- lot of fixes and enhancements
- Adaptation to GWT 2.3.0
- UiBinder support
- Widget.toString() & Element.toString() are now implemented in a fidel fashion to help when debugging. Css styles are also correctly displayed.
- XMLParser support
- Introduction of a gwt-test-utils exception hierarchy (no more RuntimeException)
- change the use abstract GwtTest.getModuleName() method, which is now the equivalent of GWTTestCase.getModuleName() Implementations are now expected expected to return the fully qualified name of the tested GWT module.
- gwt-test-utils now needs a META-INF/ file in the test classpath, with at least the .gwt.xml module configuration file declarations.
- gwt-test-utils now read RemoteService mappings from 'servlet' elements in your .gwt.xml files, or directly in web.xml if necessary.
- Fix issue 32
- Fix issue 33
- Fix issue 34
- Fix issue 35
- A lot of internal refactor for you to fork gwt-test-utils easier ;-)
- possibility to use Mockito over Easymock for mocking. Wiki pages which explain Mocking in gwt-test-utils have been updated (here and here).
- Fix issue 29
- Fix issue 22 (again)
- Code-style change : we have adopt the eclipse formatter provided by the GWT development team
- Adaptation to GWT 2.2.0
- support for the new I18n Messages.AlternateMessage annotation.
- new gwt-test-utils-gxt artifact
- new gwt-test-utils-csv artifact
- Many bug fixes
- Fix Element getInnerText and getInnerHTML method : they should never return null, but an empty string instead
- Fix issue 22: parse the HTML Host page, which is provided be overriding the getHostPagePath() method in AbstractGwtConfigurableTest and update demo
- Some code cleanup and refactor the demo UI to be more elegant
- remove some useless code
- Fix issue 21: handle Element.getPropertyString nicely : it should have never return null value
- fillText method factorization
- Migration to GWT 2.1.0 and first adaptations
- Fix issue 17: patch Navigator
- Some refactor and fix problem with the serialization of transient fields with gwt rpc serialzation mecanism
- Fix the Document.getElementById method to retrieve a body's child element and test the Label.wrap method
- Add "org.springframework" to the list of package from which classes should not be loaded by the gwt-test-utils classloader
- Fix bug on multiple clicks on the same radiobutton, which use update the radioButton.getValue() property (not expected).
- Fix issue 15: handle the FormPanel.removeFromParent() nicely
- Moved mock operations (replay(), verify(), etc.) from MockCreateHandler to AbstractGwtEasyMockTest
- Add some utility methods
- Remove code warnings
- Fix isNotVisible CSV integration test method
- Refactor i18n Constants patching mecanism
- More refactor on i18n Constants patching mecanism
- More refactor on i18n Constants patching mecanism : handle all possible function return type : String, String[], Map, boolean, int, double & float
- Patch ConstantsWithLookup mecanism
- Refactor scan-package mechanism : assert declared package will be scan only once
- Patch GWT i18n Constants mecansim
- Some improvements on CSS parsing mechanism
- Add Reflection method utility : callPrivateMethod
- Add a @CsvMethod markup annotation for CSV tests
- add assertBiggerThan and assertSmallerThan CSV methods
- Some cleaning in csv test methods and enable space in XPath Label Lexer
- Refactor some csv test and utility methods
- Refactor CSV test macros detection system (use separate folder and a fileName pattern)
- Patch CssRessource : enable style which are applied on a specific DOM element only
- Refactor CSV Directory and CSV Macros localization system
- Add tests on specific CSV macros loading system
- delegate cglib and easymock classes loading to the parent classloader
- Escape special characters (\n, \t...) for integration tests String comparisons
- Manage null and empty input when resolving backslash
- Add more patches to respect DOM hierarchy
- Add a cache mecanism for properties file reading mecanism
- Merge noBootstrap branch into trunk
- Pom refactoring
- Move test resource to src/test/resource
- New configuration system
- Refactor exception handler
- Some minor adaptation
- Code formatting
- Refactor logging
- Correct problem with space in paths
- Lower logger level
- Space in directory problem
- Patch CssResource ensureInjected() method
- Avoid dependency to JDK 1.6 (load properties with Reader)
- Avoid dependency to JDK 1.6 (load properties with Reader)
- Patch ClientBundle DataResource
- Add a getLogHandler() method which works the same as getLocale() or getCurrentTestedModuleFile()
- Refactor replacement
- More refactoring
- Use getMethodInfo which work on frozen class
- Some code simplification
- Correct problem with getCurrentTestedModuleFile
- Split and rename PatchUtils
- Add unique classpool reference
- Refactor setCurrentTestedModuleFile
- More code organization
- Missing added files
- Some refactoring and code organization
- Some refactoring
- Remove commented code
- Improve method finding with Dan Diephouse patch
- Manage ':' '>' '~' '+' and '-' characters in css style names
- Enable @Source to specify an absolute path in specific case
- Patch css possible custom methods
- Refactor ClientBundle proxy generation mecanism
- Patch StyleInjector inject methods
- Add unit test on GWT.runAsync
- Create new test package for "resources" stuff and start to patch CssResource
- Patch ClientBundle TextResource stuff and GWT convinent methods (getModuleName....)
- Commit the new framework implementation !
- Add "assertTrue" and "assertFalse" integration test methods
- Rename utils class
- Refactor signature
- Use sets instead of list
- Add cache in ReflectionUtils
- Implements parametrized marcros
- Change GWT version
- Add caching
- assertExact doesn't fail anymore when target object is null, in order to test "assertExact;null;view/myNullObject"
- Fix parametrized macros mecanism
- delete empty packages
- delete empty packages
- refactor package names and artifactId
- remove useless code
- Clean and format code
- change groupId to com.octo.gwt2.test and version to 0.1-SNAPSHOT
- migrate to GWT 2.0 and adapt to work with soft-cu project
- Add override Label mecanism and check getTagName() + as() methods
- Add Octo forge for snapshot deployement.
- add changelog.xsl
- changelog improvment
- use for releases
- Add and test mouseOver and mouseOut event mecanism
- Patch DateBox creation.
- Refactor Patch mecanism to enable constructor patchs if needed.
- write a unit test for the get/setTarget patch and correct implementation
- Correct the patchClazz method signature to take a Patch[] argument
- Add PatchConstructor mecanism
- Rename "PatchGWT.patchClazz" to "PatchGWT.patch"
- Add GWTLogHandler interface
- Add a new test with code in patched constructor
- Add patch on HeadingElement
- Refactor key event simulator, add mock method and Array utils
- Patch DOM to enable ul + li elements creation.
- Test qui pose pb pour pb @BeforeClass
- Add WidgetUtils.getIndexInListBox() which is used in AbstractGwtIntegrationShell.selectInListBoxByText new method
- Add more specific failure messages when clicking disabled or invisible widgets in csv tests.
- Remove dangerous code, that authorize the execution of code before the "super" call.
- simplify code of PatchMethod
- Add test for Patch constructor
- Add a space character in the error message when clicking a disabled / invisible widget
- Add an explicit error message if getObject() method return null