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twistedpair edited this page Feb 3, 2013 · 21 revisions

gwt-test-utils is a Java testing framework for GWT applications. It provides a simple way to test your GWT client code without GWTTestCase or any servlet container instance!
It's the most advanced Test Double available for GWT, letting you use any Java tool you want without restriction with barely any required configuration.

gwt-test-utils allows you to write Java tests of many natures:

  • strict component unit tests, where every other object may be mocked (like RPC services, etc.).
  • complex application use cases, where you test a part of your UI's workflow.
  • automated acceptance tests, where you'll write fixtures with gwt-test-utils (for example, it works well with Concordion).

_The following documentation is based on many code samples available on the [gwt-test-utils-samples GitHub repository](

User Guide

  1. Setup gwt-test-utils
  2. Unit testing basics
  3. Browser simulation
  4. Assertions API
  5. Accessing objects
  6. Mocking
  7. Mocking RPC services
  8. Mocking Servlets
  9. Writing CSV scenarios
  10. Writing custom Patchers

3rd party integrations

  1. Integration with GXT
  2. Integration with spring-test
  3. Integration with Guice
  4. Integration with GIN

Usefull readings

  1. GWT compatibility
  2. FAQ
  3. Contributing code
  4. Changelog
  5. Migration to 0.40