Theme for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences homesite
Theme URI:
Description: Theme for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences homesite
Author: Yash Singh
Author URI:
Template: twentyseventeen
The page templates in this theme can be applied to pages and posts.
- Featured Story
- Full Width Post
- Image Header
- Left Sidebar
- Right Sidebar
- Magazine Article
- News Article
By default the sidebars have been removed from this theme's templates.
In order to make sidebars visible for pages and posts, you have to select a page template that supports it.
Pages that support sidebars and widgets:
- Left Sidebar page template
- Right Sidebar page template
- Archive pages (index.php)
To make the sidebar appear for category and tag pages, you have to select the option in the Customizer > Layout > Show widgets in archives.
The menu location areas below require a menu:
- Top Menu - displays 3 levels of links
- Quick Links - displays 1 level of links
- Footer Column 1
- Footer Column 2
- Footer Column 3
Keyboard users can use the tab key to navigate through the menus, links, and buttons on the page. Users will see an outline around the current link/element.
Add navigation menus to the Footer Column 1, Footer Column 2, and Footer Column 3 Menu Locations.
This can be changed by going to Appearance > Customize > CLAS DEPT Theme Options > General.
This can be changed by going to the Appearance > Customize > CLAS DEPT Theme Options > Social.
The options to control whether the pages display the full content or excerpt, featured images, and dates, or display sidebars are under Appearance > Customize > CLAS DEPT Theme Options > Layout.
The theme adds a 'CLAS DEPT Theme Options' panel to the Customizer screen.
Users with previous theme versions need to copy their settings to the Customizer. They will see the deprecated settings page under Appearance > Customize > CLAS DEPT Theme Settings, but these settings do not affect anything.
This theme can display the built-in WordPress custom fields and ACF Fields if they exist.
Page Templates with custom fields:
- Featured Story Page Template: sub_head
- Magazine Article Page Template: sub_head, byline
- Image Header: sub_head, header_image
Featured image custom field (caption is a WP field):
- photo_credit_txt
Grunt files are included to compile and minify the CSS and JavaScript.
Edits can be done directly to the non-minified versions and then minified using any other tool.
If there are templates and functions in the Twenty Seventeen parent theme that have the same name, the files in this theme override them.
Some files may need to be updated to support new features or fixes in Twenty Seventeen beyond v2.1.
This theme uses a customized version of the twentyseventeen_get_svg
function in its inc/icon-functions folder, which overrides the file/function in the parent theme.
SVGs are all separate symbols in assets/images/ufl.svg. All new SVG icons should be displayed in pages using the twentyseventeen_get_svg() function for consistency.
If a fallback png is needed for older browsers, it should be defined in the symbol using the <image>
tag workaround. Note: this is not valid HTML markup. See CSS Tricks: A Complete Guide to SVG Fallbacks.
SVG images that are not used as buttons or images are hidden by default. As a fallback for screenreaders, the theme uses hidden <span class="SVGaltText">
after the SVG element.
See the inline SVG technique mentioned in Accessible SVGs.
Parent theme styles are not used. The theme includes these stylesheets:
- style.min.css - minified child theme styles
- assets/css/inline.min.css - minified inline styles from (unclear where these styles are used)
Note: When updating any styles, be sure to search and update each breakpoint.
The main stylesheet divides the styles into sections with media queries. Since these styles are redefined for each breakpoints instead of overriding previous styles, styles appear multiple times for each breakpoint.
The JS files are minified and combined in the main JS file, script.min.js.
Custom JS file:
- theme.js
Modified versions of parent theme files:
- global.js
- jquery.scrollTo.js
- navigation.js
- skip-link-focus-fix.js
Included from the parent theme:
- html5.js