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2021.12.02 Meeting Notes

Philipp Grete edited this page Dec 2, 2021 · 2 revisions


  • Individual/group updates
  • Paper
  • Kokkos dependency
  • Review non-WIP PRs

Individual/group updates

LANL/External CS

LANL Physics


Philipp Grete

  • Attended and presented Parthenon/AthenaPK at the IAU Symposium 362. Created an updated movie ( Personal impression: well received and people are interested
  • Trying to track down bug in sparse PR, where some components of a vector are not properly initialized/contain garbage. Created a reproducer (see comment in sparse PR). (done as of this meeting)


  • PG: For the scaling data in the paper, I am working on using parthenon-hydro to replicate the hydro blast wave test in the Athena++ method paper, and, similarly, the MHD blast wave test (including strong scaling) for AthenaPK with AMR. Similarly, will use MHD linear wave test for weak scaling and add "selected" data points for mesh refinement performance, similar to current Fig. 3. Given the increased interest in this overall topic, other projects also preparing publications, and soon to be submitted downstream code and application papers, PG will make this paper his top priority in Dec.

Review non-WIP PRs

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