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2021.05.13 Meeting Notes

Joshua S Brown edited this page May 14, 2021 · 3 revisions


  • Individual/group updates
  • Status of Argonne GPU Hackathon
  • Paper
  • Review non-WIP PRs

Individual/group updates


Joshua Brown

  • Currently, running weak scaling test with Jonas HDF5 compression implementation
  • Submitted a pr to add mpi-performance-regression tests
  • Submitted a pr to fix scheduled ci runs of performance regression tests
  • Code review

Jonas Lippuner

  • Been redoing the sparse interface after getting feedback from Jonah
  • Moved communication into the initialization
  • Sparse variables will now be the same as cell variables, metadata now exists everywhere, every block and rank will have the same structure.
  • Also been working on GPU hackathon

LANL Physics


  • GPU Hackathon
  • Spent time testing performance in Phoebus instead of riot because need sparse pr to be merged before can use it fully in RIOT.
  • Spent time analyzing why Parthenon actually became slower after implementing a fix. Discovered that old machinery was being called instead of newer faster implementation. Fixed the problem and saw a factor of 10 improvement on 16 cubed cells.
  • Hackathon improvements look to have improved the remeshing algorithm by about 30 %

Ben Ryan

  • Been working on downstream code with Phoebus seems to be working well.


Philipp Grete

Forrest Glines





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