Releases: otya128/winevdm
Releases · otya128/winevdm
- Various bug fixes
Download (ReactOS, and Windows versions before Vista and Server 2008)
closed issues
- [**closed**] The software developed by running windows 3.1 cannot be opened [#1308]( - [**closed**] Theme Hospital Does not install [#1302]( - [**closed**] CA-Simply Money ver. 1 won't run, error message [#1298]( - [**closed**] Debris32 installation program won't run, complains about Windows Version [#1297]( - [**closed**] Problem with CASMATE PRO [#1295]( - [**closed**] Ace Venture Pet Detective (German) crashes after Intro [#1290]( - [**closed**] Redshift 1.2 astronomy software crashes upon launching REDSHIFT.EXE [#1287]( - [**closed**] Curious George Comes Home: Crashes at launch [#1284]( - [**closed**] Microsoft 500 Nations closes on launch and while running as admin, the Win16 version hangs while the Win32 version runs fine [#1276]( - [**closed**] Dropdown list is shown behind button [#1275]( - [**closed**] Civilization II v.2.42 not displaying dialog boxes properly in a new game with empty window running by side [#1273]( - [**closed**] Interrupt 0D #GP When trying to print [#1271]( - [**closed**] Word Search Mania doesn't Work [#1267]( - [**closed**] Can't open Caswin program [#1265]( - [**closed**] 16-bit app icons [#1262]( - [**closed**] Interrupt 0D #GP ISaGRAF 3.46 [#1261]( - [**closed**] Question: Is a 64-bit version of WineVDM possible? [#1260]( - [**closed**] Feature request: Windows 95 as windows version [#1259]( - [**closed**] Low CPU Usage [#1258]( - [**closed**] Otvdmw 256 Color Mode [#1256]( - [**closed**] Wrong com port settings [#1254]( - [**closed**] New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 3rd Edition, Introductory CD Version crashes on chapter selection [#1250]( - [**closed**] Missing icons in icon bar [#1248]( - [**closed**] 16-bit program icons in Explorer [#1246]( - [**closed**] AutoSketch v2.1 crashes when opening text settings [#1243]( - [**closed**] WineVDM and batch files [#1242]( - [**closed**] Korg NS5R Sound Editor instable + display bugs [#1235]( - [**closed**] Mario Teaches Typing 2: Game locks after any confirmation dialog is displayed [#1232]( - [**closed**] Windows 1.04 D5 Apps not working [#1231]( - [**closed**] Virus warning for otvdm-for-old-windows-v0.8.1 [#1230]( - [**closed**] InstallShield installer doesn't detect OS [#1226]( - [**closed**] Pkunzip.exe and Itf.exe won't run Main Program exe starts up fine in 64bit [#1224]( - [**closed**] Wrong version set by installer [#1221]( - [**closed**] 16-bit program not responsive after start [#1217]( - [**closed**] language.dll [#1215]( - [**closed**] El traje nuevo del emperador: Trying playing music or recording audio triggers an error [#1208]( - [**closed**] Old 16 bit application runs well but it crashed, when I try to open a file [#1206]( - [**closed**] Handle overwrite [#1203]( - [**closed**] Star Wars Chess No Longer Works As Of Late 😭 [#1201]( - [**closed**] Meccano Inventory [#1198]( - [**closed**] Timer created with hwnd = NULL do not fire [#1195]( - [**closed**] Lines of text missing after commit 6bce5cc [#1193]( - [**closed**] Microsoft Ultimate Frank Lloyd Wright crashes when clicking on a topic in the library section after going back to the main menu and then going to the library section again [#1191]( - [**closed**] Window frame displays incorrectly with BasicThemer2 or "disable composition" compatibility option enabled [#1190]( - [**closed**] Jorou Gumo for windows 95 not starting [#1184]( - [**closed**] SetTimer(NULL,NULL,,NULL) doesn't behave correctly. [#1183]( - [**closed**] Microsoft Ultimate Frank Lloyd Wright crashes when clicking on a topic in the library section [#1179]( - [**closed**] Virtuacall for Windows 95 not starting [#1177]( - [**closed**] DirBox in VB3 Shows Long File Paths Instead of Short Names, Breaks App - Can't select folders with spaces [#1175]( - [**closed**] Error occurs when saving files in Visual dBase 5.5 [#1171]( - [**closed**] Microsoft Multimedia Schubert - Unable to find font Millicent 10, 12, 14, 16. Please run setup again [#1169]( - [**closed**] Microsoft Multimedia Mozart - Unable to find font Millicent 10,12,14,16. Please run setup again. [#1167]( - [**closed**] Super Solvers: Midnight Rescue! (1995) sound compatibility [#1165]( - [**closed**] Aero borders (7/Vista) are too slim [#1160]( - [**closed**] Could not loading resources [#1158]( - [**closed**] Odell Down Under [#1156]( - [**closed**] Netscape 4.08 doesn't fully start [#1152]( - [**closed**] can anyone help with this? [#1148]( - [**closed**] Access 2.0 - wrong find dialog [#1147]( - [**closed**] QuickTime v2.1.1 installs itself in the WineVDM Windows folders and Win32 application thus can't access QuickTime [#1146]( - [**closed**] Win ISO V3.0 not working. [#1144]( - [**closed**] Ai Shimai for windows 3.1 won't start properly [#1137]( - [**closed**] たまごっちペイントCD-ROM スタンプdeおたすけっち Crashes now .. [#1132]( - [**closed**] Paintbrush from Windows 3.0 and Windows 3.0a crashes on launch [#1128]( - [**closed**] Castle of the Winds Crash (With Reproduceable steps) [#1127]( - [**closed**] Messenger of the Gods dispdib Int 10 func: 0x10 unimplemented [#1125]( - [**closed**] "The Thinking Man's Thesaurus" Error When Launching Works When Ignoring (Recently Cropped-Up) [#1124]( - [**closed**] P3 Primavera Scheduling - Interrupt 0D on load [#1119]( - [**closed**] Mouse cursor missing in King's Quest V (SCIKQ5.EXE) [#1118]( - [**closed**] Error installing the 16-bit Total Commander [#1112]( - [**closed**] dBASE 5 für Windows dosnt work [#1109]( - [**closed**] Messenger of the Gods double mouse cursor; window incorrectly captured [#1104]( - [**closed**] Thinking Mans Thesaurus & FujiGolf & StarWars Chess Not Working /w Unstable Release ! [#1102]( - [**closed**] Slam! - Graphical glitches when puck/players are in fast movement [#1101]( - [**closed**] MS Encarta 96 Setup Error When Installing (Works /w Win3.11 Though) [#1100](
- The installation procedure has become easier, execute "install" shortcut.
- Various bug fixes
- Great contribution by cracyc
- Added support for Windows Hypervisor Platform. See otvdm.ini for details.
- Fixed a crash on exit
- Fixed document
Download (ReactOS, and Windows versions before Vista and Server 2008)
Download (ReactOS, and Windows versions before Vista and Server 2008)
Download (ReactOS, and Windows versions before Vista and Server 2008)
Download (ReactOS, and Windows versions before Vista and Server 2008)
Download (ReactOS, and Windows versions before Vista and Server 2008)
Download (ReactOS, and Windows versions before Vista and Server 2008)
Download (ReactOS, and Windows versions before Vista and Server 2008)
closed issues
- [closed] Program Musinum proclaims "Out of memory" when trying to open it. #1043
- [closed] Visual Basic 3 Applications DDE LinkExecute Not Working #1039
- [closed] ATAM does not start (worked well before) #1033
- [closed] The Brush shapes toolbar is empty in PC Paintbrush #1031
- [closed] XTree Gold for Windows setup hangs on scanning directory #1029
- [closed] Word 6.0 crashes when calling printer options #1027
- [closed] "Not enough memory" Error during ODBC Update in MS Access 2.0 #1023
- [closed] EnableVisualStyle setting in otvdm.ini does not affect anything #1022
- [closed] DIB.DRV error on "たまごっちペイントCD-ROM スタンプdeおたすけっち" #1019
- [closed] "Printer" option in Protel Advanced PCB 2.8 not opening #1017
- [closed] Can't proceed beyond level 8 in bow & arrow 16bit windows game #1006
- [closed] Accessing unknown VxD 33b6 #1005
- [closed] How to debug a 16-bit Windows program running in OTVDM? #1000
- [closed] quick time 16-bit (QT16INST.EXE) #999
- [closed] Application Crash with Superbase #997
- [closed] Superbase classic error UDP not available unable to load winsock #995
- [closed] Incomplete installation of Futurewave SmartSketch 95 #993
- [closed] Castle of the Winds - title screen artifact. #988
- [closed] Stars! 2.7j - Can't assign races in Build 2094 #986
- [closed] Elifoot 98 appears a eli.cod error file #984
- [closed] Error messages in Interactive Physics 2.5 causes a hang #981
- [closed] SEGV error #977
- [closed] Interactive Physics 2.5 "Not enough memory" error #976
- [closed] Regression bug - BC 4.52 stops compiling 32 bit programs after build 2055 #969
- [closed] IQ Box doesn't work #964
- [closed] Does not like the letter "n" #960
- [closed] Liga Polska Manager '97 - installer doesn't work #955
- [closed] otvdm 2064 executables cannot be runned anymore #954
- [closed] Microsoft Access 2.0 - Error calling 32 bit ODBC driver #952
- [closed] Microsoft Acccess 2.0 - Context help in Access Basic doesn't work #949
- [closed] GCC version regression #946
- [closed] Installation of otvdm doesn't work on Windows 10 #942
- [closed] Word 6.0a - Admin rights required to avoid SHARE.EXE problem #932
- [closed] Word 6.0a setup crashes on selection of alternative installation folder #931
- [closed] lack of labeling #928
- [closed] Autographix sender from the Xerox Presents kit hangs on calling help. #924
- [closed] Xerox Presents says not enough memory for video presentation #922
- [closed] In Xerox Presents the MDI clients do not have maximize and minimize buttons, which complicates window management #921
- [closed] Xerox Presents segfaults when calling notepad from the menu #920
- [closed] Problem with comport #917
- [closed] waiting for splwow64.exe #908
- [closed] Borland C++ 4.5.2 crashes when starting exe file from IDE #906
- [closed] Input fields certain lengths of text is the Curser shifted #903
- [closed] Borland C++ 4.5 - Internal Linker Error #900
- [closed] Printer Crash #899
- [closed] Crash opening game Tibia (version 3.0) #887
- [closed] Interrupt 0D #GP err FFFC #877
- [closed] Access Performence #868
- [closed] Print succeeds on 1056 but fails on 1925 #861
- [closed] #852 because closed before fixed #860
- [closed] White Window Refresh and menu failure #852
- [closed] Ole2.dll16 crash olecreatelinktofile #850
- [closed] Some freezes in Midisoft Recording Session #846
- [closed] Instant Artist 1.0 for Windows does not run #845
- [closed] Is there something like 'Idle Sensitivity'? #840
- [closed] Interrupt 0D #GP error dialog when printing in LARS #836
- [closed] Mario Teaches Typing 2: EXE Launch issues and Video Problems #835
- [closed] Unlocking error in LARS #830
- [closed] SEGV (segfault) on program launch for LARS #824
- [closed] Windows Defender Reporting virus and preventing download of otvdm-master-1787 #821
- [closed] Could not allocate a handle #816
- [closed] In WPS links to some icons are not created when converting Windows groups. This seems not to depend on the icon's bit depth #815
- [closed] The window of PMTOWP.EXE from WPS is not shown on the taskbar #814
- [closed] Lotus Ami Pro 3.1 segfaults on start #812
- [closed] WinShow segfaults on "Edit Show" menu command #811
- [closed] otledit.exe from Publish...
This version is out of date. latest release
- Various bug fixes
- OLE 2/COM support
This version is out of date. latest release
Various bug fixes
Improve dialog.
Implement OLE.
Fix dll searching.
You should append to install.reg and register install.reg again.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NtVdm64\OTVDM]
"CommandLine"="\"%m\" %c"