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Web conference notes, 2020.10.01 (Joint Working Group City Services)

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 16 revisions

Web Conference, 2020.10.01

Joint Working Group - City Services

  • Every other week call at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 671 331 832 -

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,671331832# US

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Add your own name, link, and organization during call


  1. State Machine - unauthorized, service pause
    • "unauthorized" transitions #527
    • Service Pause #509
    • Unregistered telemetry error #565
  2. JSON format #573
  3. No distance trips #399


Notes and or transcript of the call with presentation, document, GitHub links and calls to action.

Each of these discussions generated some action items that were left in the relevant issues and PRs.


Use cases? Vianova: when a device is being moved between operational zones. Alex SF - Unknown might be enough to know - Thibault agreed. Kegan - cap counting was a case in Santa Monica. Michael left a comment summarizing, and Bill replied. Looks like this can be closed now and the 'unknown' state can be used.

Service Pause

Michael left a comment. This may be addressed with #506 in July 1.
We will likely close this issue.


Michael left comment. Max will review and leave a comment for feedback. When consensus Michael can merge to dev.

Schema Null

Should optional fields be null or leave them out? Both supported now in the spec and the schemas. This is now closed and commented on by Kegan.

Trips no distance

Needs some use cases to know if it's need in /trips.

Some use cases came up related to this, like knowing across a city the percent of fleet devices in use at a time (Blue Systems). Though this could be determined from /events or /status_changes though. Another use case is policies that charge a fee when a reservation is made. Thought this is contained within Policy and relies on /status_changes (and /events maybe in the future), so /trips data is not needed either.

There was a hypothetical use case about if the trip was charged, there may be some useful analysis in looking at the fees, but didn't get a city on the call to confirm this. So we need to get some city feedback.

See details in Michael's comment.

A new issue #583 was opened to talk about sse cases for cost data on /trips if reservation made but no ride is taken.

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