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Web conference notes, 2020.01.09 (City Services WG)

Regina Clewlow edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 21 revisions

Web conference notes, 2020.01.09 : City Services WG

  • biweekly call at 11am PST / 2pm EST


Agenda & minutes

Overview of the City Services Working Group operations

Goal : Introduce the working group, the frequency and typical agenda of meetings
Non-goal : Discuss in detail operations. The discussions will be taken offline on the ML and a specific meeting will be held
Timing : 5 minutes
Audience : Everybody interested

By Jascha Franklin-Hodge & Sean Roberts

The OMF has 2 open-source WG :

Discussion on a community survey

Goal : Gauge community interest in creating a survey to understand the maturity level of the stakeholders (who uses which API and for what purpose) and actual needs
Non-goal : Discuss in detail the content of such survey. Another specific meeting will be held
Timing : 5 minutes
Audience : Everybody interested

By Henri Bourdeau

Interested agencies :

  • Long Beach

=> Henri Bourdeau will share the draft on the ML for further discussion!forum/mds-city-services

Overview of mds-core

Goal : Presentation by Mark Maxham of an open source implementation of the agency & policy APIs
Non-goal : Go into the implementation detail of the software
Timing : 5 minutes
Audience : Technical

By Mark Maxham

Code repository : Only LA is using it for now

  • Question by Andrew Scherkus : Does LA or E&A handle the deployment ? E&A
  • Question by Michael Schnuerle (Louisville) : Automated deployment ? An Azure & GCP deployment systems are being prototyped. Long-term goal is to be cloud agnostic (using Docker&Kubernetes)
  • Question by Jascha : State of documentation ? Documentation is mostly outstanding. Mark needs to know what the community considers to be documentation priorities. Mark and Sean Holman discussed how to implement locally using Helm. This would be a good place to start on detailed documentation with the community at large.
  • Question by Michael Schnuerle (Louisville) : Fee to deploy system ? Offer will exist in the future

Review 0.4.1 milestone issues & PRs

Goal : Review issues & PRs for the 0.4.1 milestone
Timing : 30 minutes
Audience : Technical

Prioritize other issues & PRs for 0.5.0 milestone or later if not ready

Goal : Select issues & PRs for the next milestone
Non-goal : Go into detail
Timing : remaining time
Audience : Technical
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