List of repositories which use Redux
Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Universal (Isomorphic) - π€
- Hot Reload - π₯
- Writing a Basic App in Redux
- Learn how to use Redux step by step
- Tutorial: Handcrafting an Isomorphic Redux Application (With Love)
- 0 to 1 : Getting started with Redux
- Redux Chinese Document
- Relay and Routing
- Understanding Redux Middleware
- Several videos about Redux + Falcor and Example code
- Redux Middleware: Behind the Scenes
- A proposal for bundling reducers, action types and actions when using Redux
- Full-Stack Redux Tutorial - A Comprehensive Guide to Test-First Development with Redux, React, and Immutable Source Server + Client
- React Redux Boilerplate
- React + Typescript + Sass boilerplate
- react-redux-scaffold
- reactv
- redux-boilerplate
- react-redux-starter-kit
- Express-Redux-PassportJs-MySQL Boilerplate
- Redux-Webpack-Babel Blog Platform boilerplate
- Examples
- redux-transduce - Transducer utilities for Redux
- redux-actions - Flux Standard Action utilities for Redux
- redux-promise - FSA-compliant promise middleware for Redux
- redux-async - FSA-compliant promise property middleware for Redux
- redux-rx - RxJS utilities for Redux
- reselect - Selector library for Redux like in NuclearJS
- redux-react-connector - Convenient subscription to redux stores
- react-redux - React bindings for Redux
- redux-react-router - Redux bindings for React Router β keep your router state inside your Redux store
- redux-promise-middleware - Redux middleware for resolving and rejecting promises
- redux-thunk - Thunk middleware for Redux
- redux-batched-updates - Batch React updates that occur as a result of Redux dispatches, to prevent cascading renders.
- redux-combine-actions - Redux middleware that allows you to easy combine actions and dispatch them sequentially
- redux-catch-promise - Extended replacement of redux-thunk middleware to supporting async-await functions and implement server-side rendering for React components with async state
- redux-delegator - Compose redux reducers in a structured way
- routex - Simple router for Redux universal applications. Can be used with React too
- redux-persist-store - Persist and rehydrate a redux store
- redux-graphql - Relay-like functionality for Redux-based applications
- redux-localstorage - Store enhancer that syncs (a subset) of your Redux store state to localstorage.
- redux-storage - Persistence layer for redux with flexible backends
- redux-pouchdb - sync store state to pouchdb
- redux-vstack-router - Helpers to bind vstack-router to redux
- redux-client-next - Resolve client promises with redux actions
- redux-next - Recurse redux actions
- redux-delay - Delay redux actions
- redux-create-store
- redux-batched-subscribe - Batch calls to subscribe handlers with a custom function, including debouncing or React batched updates.
- redux-logger - Logger middleware for Redux
- redux-diff-logger - Diff logger between states for Redux
- redux-requests - Avoid issuing duplicate HTTP requests
- redux-owl - Redux One Way Linking
- redux-act - An opinionated lib to create actions and reducers for Redux
- redux-raven-middleware - Redux middleware for sending error reports to Sentry through raven-js
- redux-routing - Universal routing built on top of redux
- redux-devtools - DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI
- redux-tiny-router - A Router made for Redux, stop using the router as a controller it's just state!
- redux-devtools-gentest-plugin - Generate mocha like tests from redux-devtools session
- redux-action-utils - Factory functions for reducing action creator boilerplate (pun not intended)
- generator-redux - CLI tools for Redux: next-gen functional Flux/React with devtools
- generator-redux-app - Scaffold out a redux app with counter example and react-router
- redux-loader - A high order component for Redux. This components loads resources and passes them to the child components via props
- redux-rest - Automatically create Flux action constants, action creators and Redux reducers for your REST API
- redux-api - Flux REST API for redux infrastructure
- vstack-router - Universal router
- redux-ecommerce - E-commerce flux with redux
- redux-react - React bindings for Redux
- redux-form - An ES7 decorator for forms using Redux and React
- updeep - Easily update nested frozen objects and arrays in a declarative and immutable manner
- redux-immutable - Streamlines use of Immutable.js with Redux reducers.
- redux-import-export-monitor - A monitor for copying your serialized action log to the clipboard, as well as pasting it in from somewhere else
- icedam - Just-in-time immutability: freezes data sent to views.
- react-inline-grid - Predictable flexbox based grid for React using Redux and Immutable-js.
- redux-easy-actions - Sugar library for creating Redux or Flux actions
- redux-multi - Dispatch multiple actions from one action creator
- immu - A tiny, fail-fast, lazy, immutable Javascript objects library
- Generate standard action creators and reducers for CRUD applications
- Redux & ImmutableJs - Integration of Redux & ImmutableJs that 100% conforms Redux standards
- redux-tcomb - Immutable and type-checked state and actions for Redux
- redux-react-router-transitions - Attach react-router transitions to arbitrary actions
- Koa
- Isomorphic (Koa + Redux) π€
- isomorphic-react-redux-koa π€
- Sliced Haskell fragments Universal + RethinkDB + ElasticSearch + lots of good stuff π₯
- Express
- Hapi
- GraphQL
- Omniscient
- Datascript
- Redux and React Router Example App
- Simple chat
- Simple Isomorphic App: Redux-Api + React-Router + Redux + Express π€
- Counter
- Trivia game
- Git Watch (Node webkit + Redux)
- Firebase + Redux
- Dashboard
- Snowblind game
- Official example (Counter)
- Official example (TodoMVC)
- Pacman viewer (Redux + Electron + Material-UI + Radium)
- Dice game
- Universal Hot Example π€
- A showcase of the Redux architecture with React Router
- TodoMVC (ES5)
- trailerzoo-redux
- Isomorphic π€
- Simple flux router
- Redux router
- redux-example
- Another universal example π€
- Ideas log
- React tutorial tool
- Webpack Redux Boilerplate
- redux + redux-promise + sovereign + when
- Yet another isomorphic π€
- react-template
- Universal Starter-kit π€
- Exploring Redux
- Orange game
- Visualize language usage in the Norwegian parliament
- Reversi
- Payments UI from Mozilla
- Chords
- HSTracker
- Metastarter
- Amun
- Electron template
- Personal website of timedoes
- Sofar
- Mush web
- react-isomorphic-bundle
- loggit
- redux-example
- Encrypted chat using Redux and the Web Crypto API
- Example from comparison of flux
- playing-with-react-and-redux
- Redux Multiple Reducers Example
- Platform for self-publishing of literary worlds
- habits
- nwjs-emoji-app
- expense
- l-and-l-demo-vm
- Example Reducer for Redux, without the switches
- KanBan board for GitHub issues
- react-training
- cinematica
- React Redux Universal Hot Example π€
- panels-runtime
- An implementation of TodoMVC using React, Redux, React-Router, and more!
- tst
- timerrrs
- testing
- app
- web
- reactive-stock-ticker-demo
- Budgify - A different budget app build with React, utilizing ES6 & Webpack.
- leaflet-redux
- router-experiments
- list-redux
- redux-experiments
- React/Redux/Immutable.js playground
- Tasks4Squares.client
- Simple Pokedex app to start learning Redux
- Universal app with redux as Flux library and redux-devtools hot-reload tools π€
- Redux
- repair-redux
- Scaffolder of universal Flux / Redux app, backed by Rails API.
- Redux-React + Router + Rails API -Todo App
- react + redux(flux) + react-router + async(fetch)
- Ripster
- redux-remote
- react-redux-isomorphic-example π€
- React Redux Universal Hot Example π€
- Coffeescript example/boilerplate π€ π₯
- Streaming movie app using Redux flux implementation
- chat-example
- redux-example
- past.ebin
- color-contrast
- redux-react-router-example-app
- like-counter
- test-redux-flickr
- reactapus
- redux-auth-demo
- react-redux-robot-game
- react-redux-async-example
- super-duper-redux
- redux-test
- react-with-redux-shop-ducks
- 1rt π€
- ReactChat - React+Redux+Firebase
- react-redux-demo
- redux-ticker
- dreamlikedays-frontend
- redux-auth-demo
- react-redux-example π€
- webapp-starter-pack
- reduxify
- redux_actionsStore
- resit - Real Time App with React + Redux + Firebase
- π€
- π€
- π€
- Relay-like functionality for Redux-based applications
- Koa
- flux-ts - A small flux implementation heavily inspired by redux
- chopped-redux - A very small Flux implementation based on Redux
- fluxette - Minimalist, functional, and concise Flux
- rx-redux - A reimplementation of redux using RxJS
Incremental DOM - Incremental DOM is a library for building up DOM trees and updating them in-place when data changes
- Examples
- Examples
- Examples
- Examples
- Examples
- Examples