ES6 arrow functions with implicit returns, argument destructuring and object literal enhancements make it easy to keep your action creators compact without helper functions.
import types from './action-types'
export let addLesson = () => ({type: types.ADD_LESSON})
export let importLessons = (lessons) => ({type: types.IMPORT_LESSON, lessons})
export let updateLesson = ({id, update}) => ({type: types.UPDATE_LESSON, id, update})
Factory functions for reducing action creator boilerplate.
npm install --save redux-action-utils
var types = require('./action-types')
function addLesson() {
return {
type: types.ADD_LESSON
function importLessons(lessons) {
return {
type: types.IMPORT_LESSONS,
function updateLesson(options) {
return {
type: types.SELECT_LESSON,
update: options.update
module.exports = {addLesson, importLessons, updateLesson}
var types = require('./action-types')
var {actionCreator, optionsActionCreator} = require('redux-action-utils')
module.exports = {
addLesson: actionCreator(types.ADD_LESSON),
importLessons: actionCreator(types.IMPORT_LESSONS, 'lessons'),
updateLesson: optionsActionCreator(types.UPDATE_LESSON, 'id', 'update')
Creates an action creator which will create an action object with the given type.
var ac = actionCreator(types.ADD_LESSON)
// → {type: 'ADD_LESSON'}
Creates an action creator which will create an action object with the given type and use the given property names to pass any positional arguments given to it.
var ac = actionCreator(types.IMPORT_LESSONS, 'lessons')
ac(['lesson 1', 'lesson 2'])
// → {type: 'IMPORT_LESSONS', lessons: ['lesson 1', 'lesson 2']}
Creates an action creator which takes a single object argument and adds its properties to the action object.
Creates an action creator which takes a single object argument and adds only the specified properties from it to the action object.
var ac = optionsActionCreator(types.UPDATE_LESSON, 'id', 'update')
id: 1
update: {
text: '## Lesson 1'
/* →
id: 1,
update: {
text: '## Lesson 1'