pid4cat is NFDI4Cat´s service for metadata rich, universal persistent identifiers. pid4cat builds upon the handle-system (as DOIs do). pid4cat adds a custom API to a handle server and provides a LinkML model for PID-related metadata. The metadata are stored in the handle records. pid4cat persistent identifiers are used for samples, devices, and more, to ensure consistent tracking, integration, and accessibility of resources across both central and local RDM systems.
This repository contains the pid4cat service documentation and the pid4cat model expressed as a LinkML model. The model is a generic PID metadata model that may be useful beyond catalysis.
Status: beta - This is in development and may still change. We are interested in feedback of potential users. Please use issues for your comments, questions or ideas!
- pid4cat documentation
- pid4cat-model metadata schema documentation
- NFDI4Cat PID concept - (older) information about the role and use of this model in NFDI4Cat.
- docs/ - mkdocs-managed documentation
- elements/ - generated schema documentation
- examples/ - Examples of using the schema
- project/ - project files (these files are auto-generated, do not edit)
- src/ - source files
- tests/ - Python tests
- data/ - Example data
There are several pre-defined command-recipes available.
They are written for the command runner just. To list all pre-defined commands, run just
or just --list
A big thanks to all contributors! Without you pid4cat would not exist.
In addition to the GitHub contributors, several people contributed offline:
- Preston Rodriguez (ORCID: 0000-0002-0377-5018), @prestonrodrigues (implementation of handle API gateway server, operation of handle server)
- Mark Dörr (ORCID: 0000-0003-3270-6895), @markdoerr (discussions on model and API)
- Volodymyr Kushnarenko (ORCID: 0000-0001-7427-2410), @vkush (discussions on model, operation of handle server)
- Hendrik Borgelt (ORCID: 0000-0001-5886-7860), @HendrikBorgelt (discussions on model)
Main author:
- David Linke (ORCID: 0000-0002-5898-1820) - Idea, initial setup of repository, main developer of pid4cat-model, project coordination.
The code and data model in this repository are distributed under the MIT license. The documentation, images and logos are CC-BY 4.0 licensed.
The repository uses linkml-project-copier as underlying project template.
This project started as an in-kind contribution of Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V. (Rostock, Germany) to the NFDI4Cat project.
After 2024-03-27 this work has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the project "NFDI4Cat - NFDI for Catalysis-Related Sciences" (DFG project no. 441926934), within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) programme of the Joint Science Conference (GWK).