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Releases: nasa/icarous

V2.0.0-FormalATM-v2.6.2 (January-31-2018)

01 Feb 15:35
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Version 2.0 of ICAROUS, a.k.a., ICAROUS-2

  • ICAROUS-2 stands for Independent Configurable Architecture for Reliable Operations of Unmanned Systems with Distributed On-Board Services (DOS).
  • ICAROUS-2 is a software architecture intended to be independent from the middleware. It is currently instantiated with cFS, but it supports SHREC*'s SBD (cFS with DDS bus). More middleware may be supported in the future. [* SHREC is the University of Pittsburgh NSF Center for Space, High-performance, Resilient Computing]
  • ICAROUS-2 modules, e.g., monitoring, detect and avoid, geo-fencing are distributed cFS applications.
  • ICAROUS-2 includes a PLEXIL executive cFS application.
  • ICAROUS-2 decision-making is implemented in PLEXIL.
  • Support for Java is removed.

V1.2.Final-FormalATM-v2.6.2 (January-25-2018)

25 Jan 21:04
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This is the final version in the 1.x family. Code-wise, this version is equivalent to v1.2.2.

V1.2.2-FormalATM-v2.6.2 (July-28-2017)

28 Jul 18:45
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Includes fixes to C++ code and configuration parameters for ICAROUS Sense and Avoid Characterization (ISAAC) study.

V1.2.1-FormalATM-v2.6.2 (July-24-2017)

24 Jul 20:45
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  • Minor tweaks to mostly ICAROUS-Safeguard interface.
  • Fixed issue with gitignore file and added missing CFS files

V1.2.0-FormalATM-v2.6.2 (July-5-2017)

05 Jul 17:48
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This version of ICAROUS includes interface application to Core Flight System (CFS).

V1.1.0-FormalATM-v2.6.2 (March-18-2017)

22 Mar 20:47
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  • Includes DAIDALUS 1.0.1.
  • ICAROUS has been extensively tested using the Ardupilot flight stack. Several minor bugs have been addressed.
  • C++ interface has been debugged and added to the code.
  • Baseline ICAROUS functionalities for simple waypoint missions:
    • Prevent keep-in geofence violation (Bounce back and continue to next feasible waypoint).
    • Prevent keep-out geofence violation (Replan flight plan to avoid keep-out fence).
    • Detect and Avoid functionality (Autonomously avoid traffic and geofences).
    • Flight plan deviation monitoring (Autonomously returns back to nearest point on flightplan).
  • Track a user defined object.

V1.0.0-FormalATM-v2.6.1 (Nov-18-2016)

23 Nov 20:48
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The Java version of this release includes Mavlink communication module and basic decision making capabilities.