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L.3 Customize Reports

Hadi Tavakoli edited this page May 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Unlike the native SDK, Crashlytics does not start automatically on the AIR side. You're not loosing anyting though! just a simple Crashlytics.init(); call after FirebaseCore is successfuly initialized will start it anyhow. But the good thing is that you will have control on when you wish Crash reports to be collected.

For more fine-grained control of your crash reports, for example, you can enable opt-in reporting for privacy-minded users, add logs to track down pesky bugs, and more.

Note: You can't stop Crashlytics reporting once you've initialized it in an app session. To opt-out of reporting after you've initialized Crashlytics, users have to restart your app.

Add custom keys

Custom keys help you get the specific state of your app leading up to a crash. You can associate arbitrary key/value pairs with your crash reports, and see them in the Firebase console.

You can pass key values as String, Number, int or Boolean

Crashlytics.log("key1", 1); //int
Crashlytics.log("key2", 1.2); // Number
Crashlytics.log("key3", true); // Boolean
Crashlytics.log("key4", false);// Boolean
Crashlytics.log("key5", "String");

Note: Re-setting a key updates its value.

Set user IDs

To diagnose an issue, it’s often helpful to know which of your users experienced a given crash. Crashlytics includes a way to anonymously identify users in your crash reports.

To add user IDs to your reports, assign each user a unique identifier in the form of an ID number, token, or hashed value:

Crashlytics.userIdentifier = "1234567890";

If you need to clear a user identifier after you set it, reset the value to a blank string.

Manage Crash Insights data

Crash Insights helps you resolve issues by comparing your anonymized stack traces to traces from other Firebase apps and letting you know if your issue is part of a larger trend. For many issues, Crash Insights even provides resources to help you debug the crash.

Crash Insights uses aggregated crash data to identify common stability trends. If you’d prefer not to share your app's data, you can opt-out of Crash Insights from the Crash Insights menu at the top of your Crashlytics issue list in the Firebase console.

Introduction to Firebase ANEs collection for Adobe Air apps

Get Started with Firebase Core in AIR

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Add Firebase to your app
  3. Add the Firebase SDK
  4. Init Firebase Core
  5. Available ANEs
  6. Managing Firebase iid

Get Started with Analytics

  1. Add Analytics ANE
  2. Init Analytics ANE
  3. Log Events
  4. Set User Properties

Get Started with Crashlytics

  1. Add Crashlytics ANE
  2. Test Your Implementation
  3. Customize Crash Reports
  4. Upload .dSYM for iOS apps

Get Started with DynamicLinks

  1. Add DynamicLinks ANE
  2. Init DynamicLinks ANE
  3. Create DynamicLinks
  4. Receive DynamicLinks
  5. View Analytics

Get Started with Authentication

  1. Add Authentication
  2. Init Authentication
  3. Manage Users
  4. Phone Number
  5. Custom Auth
  6. Anonymous Auth
  7. State in Email Actions
  8. Email Link Authentication

Get Started with FCM + OneSignal

  1. Add FCM ANE
  2. Init FCM ANE
  3. Send Your 1st Message
  4. Send Msg to Topics
  5. Understanding FCM Messages
  6. init OneSignal

Get Started with Firestore

  1. Add Firestore
  2. Init Firestore
  3. Add Data
  4. Transactions & Batches
  5. Delete Data
  6. Manage the Console
  7. Get Data
  8. Get Realtime Updates
  9. Simple and Compound
  10. Order and Limit Data
  11. Paginate Data
  12. Manage Indexes
  13. Secure Data
  14. Offline Data
  15. Where to Go From Here

Get Started with Realtime Database

  1. Add Realtime Database
  2. Init Realtime Database
  3. Structure Your Database
  4. Save Data
  5. Retrieve Data
  6. Enable Offline Capabilities

Get Started with Remote Config

  1. Parameters and Conditions
  2. Add Remote Config
  3. Init Remote Config

Get Started with Performance

  1. Add Performance ANE
  2. Init & Start Monitoring

Get Started with Storage

  1. Add Storage ANE
  2. Init Storage ANE
  3. Upload Files to Storage
  4. Download Files to Air
  5. Use File Metadata
  6. Delete Files

Get Started with Functions

  1. Write & Deploy Functions
  2. Add Functions ANE
  3. Init Functions
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