Feb 1, 2023
A big thanks to the 5 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
Improved default template.
- Dual build toolpad-core for esm and cjs (#1617) @Janpot
- Add new custom GA events to demo (#1588) @apedroferreira
- Change default template (#1601) @bytasv
- Add MySQL datasource (#1313) @bharatkashyap
- Cherrypick some changes from direction 13 branch (#1599) @Janpot
- [core] Remove dead code @oliviertassinari
- [core] Fix Next.js warning @oliviertassinari
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @apedroferreira, @bharatkashyap, @bytasv, @Janpot, @oliviertassinari