Early beta tests were with IMXRT1052, final Teensy 4 is IMXRT1062
Files | Description |
acmpdac.ino | ACMP3 and internal 6-bit DAC example |
acmpxbar.ino | ACMP3 out rerouted to pin 2 with XBAR |
adcdma.ino | continuous ADC and DMA |
adcdmapit.ino | try to add DMA to PIT+XBAR+ADC_ETC+ADC not working |
cachetst | cache/no-cache from stack, OCRAM, PROGMEM |
dcptst.ino | DCP proof-of-principle, SHA256, CRC32, and AES |
DSPbench.ino | Teensy DSP benchmark arm_math.h v1.5.1 |
eeprom_meta | meta data for emulated EEPROM in flash, wear leveling |
flexiopwm.ino | flexio PWM 400mhz clock? |
fnet_perf.ino | FNET TCP/UDP test using arduino API |
fnet_tftp | FNET tftp client, read or write from tftp server |
fnet_tftpd | FNET tftp server with SD lib and BUILTIN_SDCARD |
fnet_tftpd_SPIFFS | FNET tftp server with SPIFFS on EFLASH |
gpsgpt.ino | measure crystal drift of 24mhz and 32khz crystal with GPT |
gpt_capture.ino | GPT1 input capture (1050) of GPS PPS signal, drift check 24mhz or 32khz |
gpt_capture62.ino | GPT2 input capture (1060) of GPS PPS signal, drift check 24mhz or 32khz |
gpt_count.ino | GPT1 clocked from pin 25, like FreqCount |
gpt2_count.ino | GPT2 clocked from pin 14, like FreqCount |
gpt_isr.ino | GPT2 compare interrupt OF1 |
gptisr3.ino | GPT1 3 compare interrupts OF1 OF2 OF3, |
gpt_micros.ino | GPT1 micros (core micros only 10 us res) |
gpt_pwm.ino | GPT2 @150mhz PWM to pin 16 |
pit_micros64.ino | free running PIT timer 64-bit microseconds |
pitxbaradc.ino | clock ADC reads with PIT via XBAR |
ppminf.ino | PPM input like PulsePosition flexpwm timer |
ppmoutf.ino | PPM outpu like PulsePosition flexpwm timer NOT working |
ppminq.ino | PPM input like PulsePosition quadtimer |
ppmoutq.ino | PPM output like PulsePosition quadtimer |
QNEtftpd | QNEthernet tftp server with SD lib |
qtmr_capture.ino | quad timer capture |
qtmr_cascade.ino | cascade or chain quad timer channels |
qtmr_count.ino | quad timer count external pulses and chain to 32 bits |
qtmr_pwmvar.ino | quad timer variable PWM, change period and duty |
qtmrtst.ino | quad timer counting and PWM tests |
qtmrxpwm.ino | quad timer slow PWM with XBAR |
rtc.ino | RTC off of 32 khz crystal |
rtchp.ino | HP RTC off of 32 khz crystal, periodic sub-second alarm |
spidma.ino | SPI DMA transmit |
spidma2.ino | SPI DMA transmit and receive |
spiperf.ino | SPI loopback test |
sysinfo.ino | teensy 4 core registers |
trng.ino | hardware TRNG example, 512 bits in 52 ms |
wav2mqs.ino | SD WAV files to T4 MQS |
wdog1.ino | exercise WDOG1 like SDK, ok 1050, hangs 1060 |
Some performance comparisons at
http://manitou48.github.io/ more plots
https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/54711-Teensy-4-0-First-Beta-Test?p=194187&viewfull=1#post194187 float DSP
https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/54711-Teensy-4-0-First-Beta-Test?p=211593&viewfull=1#post211593 crypto
https://github.com/manitou48/crystals teensy 3 RTC tuning