Collection of various DUE sketches and results.
Files | Description |
blinksize.txt | Flash and SRAM used for blink sketch |
chiptemp.ino | read DUE internal analog temperature sensor |
dacdmatmr | DAC DMA clocked by timer |
dmaspi.ino | unconnected SPI test at varous MHz and with DMA |
spislave.ino | simple SPI slave example |
mem2mem.ino | memcpy vs DMA memory-to-memory |
mem2mem2.ino | memcpy dueling DMA memory-to-memory with IRQ |
power.txt | board current draw with board LED off and on, AVR low power |
tone1.ino | proof-of-concept tone() with timer with IRQ |
rng.ino | display or transmit DUE's hardware random number generator, looks good with diehard, ent, assess |
maplerng.pde | maple LSI timer/systick random number generator |
RNGperf.txt | RNG performance, DUE, teensy, UNO, Raspberry PI, maple |
W5100.cpp .h | modifications to support w5200 wiznet chip on DUE replace in hardware/arduino/sam/libraries/Ethernet/utility/ also Ethernet.h has a simple modification |
w5100.cpp.dma1 | SPI+DMA DUE version for w5200 |
perf.txt | simple computational benchmarks, coremark, linpack |
I2Cperf.txt | I2C performance 100KHz and 400KHz |
SDperf.txt | SD/SPI performance at various clock rates and with DMA |
SPIperf.txt | SPI performance at various clock rates and with DMA |
mem2mem.txt | timing results for memcpy()/memset() and DMA versions |
wizperf.txt | Ethernet performance of wiznet WIZ820io that uses W5200 chip SPI and SPI+DMA results for DUE, teensy 3, and maple plus UNO W5100 performance for UNO |
netpower/ | WiFi/Ethernet power consumption graphs |
IRtest/ | DUE IRremote proof of concept |
isrperf.txt | interrupt latency results for DUE, maple, teensy |
isrperf.ino | DUE sketch to measure interrupt latency |
cc3000.txt | wifi performance of TI CC3000 chip |
dac.txt | DAC settle time and source current |
---------------------- details -------------------- Changing the DUE's I2C clock rate TWI_CLOCK in arduino-1.5/hardware/arduino/sam/libraries/Wire/Wire.h requires restarting the IDE. TWI speed for teensy 3.0 in Wire.ccp, must restart IDE.
more plots at
Results and sketches of testing various crystals, resonators, RC oscillators, and TCXOs with various MCUs ( UNO, DUE, maple, teensy 3.0, propeller, beagle, raspberry pi) see
“One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions”
-- Adm Grace Hopper ( Dec 9 1906 to Jan 1 1992)