This is our contribution to the Florence Nightingale R Competition 2020 organized by RLadies Spain.
Original repo:
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was a British nurse, social reformer and statistician best known as the founder of modern nursing.
In 1854, she and 38 other nurses trained by herself traveled to the Crimean peninsula to treat the wounded British soldiers in the Crimean War (October 1853 - March 1856). Florence kept a record of monthly deaths by injuries, zymotic diseases and other causes among the soldiers between April 1854 and March 1856.
This project is an analysis of the data she collected during her time at the Crimean peninsula. We have performed basic data exploration techniques as well as linear regression models to understand the relationship between the variables. We have further tried to perform some sort of prediction model but we have obtained unsatisfactory results due to constraints of the original dataset, mainly its small size.
The analysis was performed using R and the full code can be found here. The report containing the most important results of our project can be downloaded here.