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2021.09.30 Meeting Notes

Jonas Lippuner edited this page Sep 30, 2021 · 4 revisions


  • Individual/group updates
  • HDF issue with large/deep hierarchies
  • Paper
  • Review non-WIP PRs

Individual/group updates

LANL/External CS

Jonas Lippuner

  • Getting close having true sparse done, all features there, but need to add documentation and test with non-periodic boundary conditions
  • Trying to figure out weird MPI hang with sparse

LANL Physics

Jonah Miller

  • Reviewed true sparse PR
  • Engaging with Tanner on MPI communication patterns
  • Working on a problem in Phoebus running a neutron star with approximate GR, good test problem for paper
  • Thinking about how to do global elliptic solve to get initial conditions before starting simulation

Ben Ryan (via Matrix)

  • Added text to the particles section of the paper
  • Working on getting a 2D monte carlo neutrino transport test problem with fancy EOS/opacities running for the phoebus section of the paper

Josh Dolence

  • Started writing assigned paper sections, committed to finishing this soon
  • Thinking about refactoring tasking infrastructure
  • Working with other folks to get Parthenon and Phoebus running on Fugaku super computer


Forrest Glines

  • Been busy with proposals

Philipp Grete

  • Mostly worked on bug fixes and code review
  • Added full coverage of all boundary conditions
  • Released new release

HDF issue with large/deep hierarchies

  • Jonah will reach out to HDF5 group on help on this


  • Philipp still working on Parthenon hydro part
  • Still some sections left in method description
  • Seems time to put in some numbers
  • Jonah: Hopeful neutron star test will be ready in time for paper, but shouldn't hold it up
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