To start this node and the corresponding test environment, just start the following launch file:
roslaunch hotaru_planner_node_teb test-planner-bare_with_obstacle.launch
If you start rqt_reconfigure you can dynamically reconfigure paramaters of the planner.
DISCLAIMER: this architecture and implementation is in developmental phase, expect random errors, which will be corrected in the near future.
This architecture contains framework specific nodes, which may or may not be used. This framework currently interfaces ROS, therefore a simple ROS is required. For a minimal setup (e.g. TEB-based implementation), you might also need ros-melodic-teb-planner package.
To install prerequisite packages, issue the standard rosdep command:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=melodic -y
To build only the current TEB based implementation you can use the following command:
catkin build hotaru_planner_node_teb
This architecture is capable of interfacing Autoware: the bridge node awaits a lane produced by a global planner (e.g. A*) or a reference set of waypoints. To enable this interface, you can start bridge with the following launch file:
roslaunch hotaru_planner_node_teb hotaru_autoware_interface.launch