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Searching the playlist

maculateConception edited this page Jun 20, 2021 · 2 revisions

Home  >  How To's  >  Playlist  >  Searching the playlist


You can search the playlist for a track(s) matching the following criteria:

  • filename
  • title
  • artist
  • album

The metadata of tracks, if available, will be searched for the specified query text.

You can also set options to make the search more or less specific:

  • Contains (least strict) / equals (strictest) / Begins with / ends with comparison
  • Case-sensitive / case-insensitive comparison


Searching for tracks whose title contains the word "dream"

Searching the playlist demo GIF


1 - Open the Search playlist dialog

Click the "Search playlist" function button at the bottom of the playlist window (button illustrated below). This will bring up the search dialog.

Search playlist button icon

2 - Set the search fields and comparison options

In the search dialog, specify which metadata fields should be searched (name / artist / title / album), and set the desired comparison options.

3 - Type the search query text

In the text field with the search icon, type the search query text. The playlist will be searched, and results displayed, as you type.

4 - Navigate through search results

If multiple results were found, navigate through them to find the exact track you want. As you navigate through the results, each individual result will be selected in the playlist window.


Alternative ways to trigger the playlist search function:

  • Menu: Playlist > Search playlist
  • Keyboard shortcut: ⌘F
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