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Releases: jwu910/check-it-out

Release Not Found

13 Jul 18:11
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What's Changed

  • fix: migrate package version to static values updated via npm script in publish cycle by @jwu910 in #538

Full Changelog: v4.0.3...v4.0.4

Dude, where's my license

13 Jul 16:40
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LICENSE file got moved to docs in older PR and overlooked, moving it back to root.
This release also triggers new action changes.

Full Changelog: v4.0.2...v4.0.3


13 Jul 16:13
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Moot release 😢 forgot to set up access keys

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1

Is this your Type?

13 Jul 15:45
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Been wanting to get this in for a long time. Migration to TS was part of an initiative to find opportunity to practice more TS, ironically, TS was not considered as the main tooling for this in check it out's early stages to reduce the barrier to entry when taking the community into consideration. Given where we're at now, and the state of this project, it didn't seem to be an issue any more. The community was monumental in keeping this project moving forward.

Special thanks to @drewbrokke for choosing to spend time helping on this project during their free time.

Every time someone tells me they use this, it's a great reminder of the potential small little tools like this have in making someone's life easier. 1 user or 10 users, really happy with where we're at especially looking back at where this tool began.

Here's a picture of zuko
picture of tabby cat on his back with little teefies showing

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v4.0.0

Copy cat

13 Feb 17:51
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...because "y" not?


Feature: User can now copy selected item name with hotkey "y"

Nothing to see here

31 Jan 17:25
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Thanks to @aksappy for sending in the fix for the version help text.

No Biggie

21 Nov 06:52
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[3.0.1] - 2019-11-20


  • [CIO-0] Dependabot secruity bump
  • [CIO-0] Update npm script to use npx for commitizen style commits

The number of branches is too damn high!

13 Oct 07:28
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This release's major introduction is the ability for you to search/filter branches in your current remote view. We've made some hefty changes to a lot of the code base that should make reading through the source code much easier.

I'm hoping this allows users working with larger projects to find what they're looking for without having to scroll for days.

We've followed the jump to next result hotkey pattern existent in VIM to help keep a cohesive feel with the VIM navigation that's already in place.

Always looking for feedback, and always open to criticism.



Received some amazing help from @drewbrokke cleaning up a ton of old spaghetti code and really diving in to the importance of typing with me. With his help, we're finally able to add a popularly requested feature to search and filter our branches.

Head over to the README to take a look at the new feature. This new feature is being released as a major change because we are now developing and testing on latest LTS versions of node only and not checking for compatibility with older versions of Node. I hope this doesn't affect too many people, but if there are some changes we can add in to help with the compatibility, I encourage issues be opened--and I would be happy to discuss and review any PRs.


  • [CIO-0] Add more type definition documenation in the source code to help make the codebase easier to read
  • CIO-166 Add feature for search and filter - users now able to use the / and & key's to refine their branches displayed
  • CIO-369 Add Coffee badge to readme


  • [CIO-0] Update danger rules - bump danger version
  • [CIO-0] Refactor app for better readability and future development - Introduce typing with ts compatible documentation
  • [CIO-0] Move away from Promises in source code in lieu of async/await
  • CIO-315 Make CIO commitizen friendly
  • CIO-413 Update dependabot configs - No longer testing compatibility for node 6 and 7 on travis
  • CIO-454 Develop against master


  • [CIO-0] Removed all-contributors dependency, opted for bot integration instead


  • CIO-372 Fix broken link on Coffee badge
  • CIO-452 Fix bug on search pattern regex


  • [CIO-0] Update dependencies with NPM audit


20 Feb 22:47
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[2.0.2] - 2019-02-20


Minor updates and documentation


  • CIO-320 Write better documentation
  • CIO-316 Add LGTM badge to readme
  • CIO-328 Add code climate badget to readme


Roses are red... here's a bug fix

14 Feb 16:57
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[2.0.1] - 2019-02-14


Patch release to fix a minor bug where loading screen disappears on larger projects


  • CIO-0 Update project configs relating to update-notifier and dependabot


  • CIO-257 Fix append order to address missing load screen bug