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John Ramshur edited this page Sep 13, 2015 · 1 revision


ECG Filtering

Two type of ECG filtering options are currently available in ECG Viewer. I hope that I and maybe others can contribute more filtering options.

  1. Fast Smooth – Filters ECG base using two moving average filters. User can specify the number of passes from 1x-3x. Low-pass filter (LPF) setting can be adjusted by changing the LPF span. Larger LPF spans eliminate a broader range of high frequency components. High-pass filter (HPF) setting can be adjusted by changing the HPF span. Smaller HPF spans eliminate a broader range of low frequency components. (this need rewording)

  2. Wavelet – This filtering method used MATLAB’s wavelet toolbox. The ECG is first decomposition using wavelet decomposition. The user defines the wavelet family to use and the sub-bands (frequency bands) to remove.

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