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Jan Pöppel edited this page Sep 29, 2015 · 2 revisions

Agenda 8.4.15

Start with only 1 other object and learn interactions with it Try to implement some sort of "smart" exploration learning that chooses actions in order to improve predictions.

Agenda 23.4

Create Testsuits:

  • Give target position (for block) and evaluate required number of training iterations and performance
  • Active exploration (for fixed amount of time) before prediction task etc

I should focus on the prediction and planning of actions and their effects on objects, rather than try to learn concepts or something like that.


  • Thesis:
    • Malte likes the current concept
      • Inverse Model might be to detailed, consider moving at least part of that to realization
    • Figures appear decent
    • Problem specification might need to be removed if it becomes redundant from the introduction
  • Evaluation:
    • Make statistics about different starting postions
      • Maybe even about different testing positions
    • Evaluate different settings
      • Different objects for testing than training
      • Different configurations
    • Concentrate on evaluating the entire concepts as a whole first
      • Evaluating supparts if it yields interesting results
      • If possible, compare model performances between different supparts
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