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Releases: jfoot/Bus-Departure-Board

Removed auto-updater

06 May 15:12
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Removed the auto-updater as it's causing issues on the latest Raspbian version, need to rethink how to do this properly.


London Underground now on Version 2.9.LU
National Buses now on Version 2.6.OT
Reading Buses now on Version 3.4.RB
National Rail now on Version 2.12.NR
Demo now on Version 2.4.EX

Fixed National Rail Destination Disappearing

28 Dec 14:11
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National Rail 2.7.NR

As per #27 , fixed an issue where the destination of a train service would disappear after performing the calling at animation. Sorry this took so long to resolve.


London Underground now on Version 2.5.LU
National Buses now on Version 2.3.OT
Reading Buses now on Version 3.1.RB
National Rail now on Version 2.7.NR
Demo now on Version 2.2.EX

Quality Of Life Improvmements.

06 Aug 11:20
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So What's New?

Reading Buses ( - V3.1.RB

  • Removed the "" generic error message from the display and returned back to the standard "No Scheduled Services Found". If anyone is still yet to update, please make sure you are now using the new Reading Buses API, for more information please see

London Underground ( - V2.5.LU

  • As London Underground have now updated their API, you no longer need to provide an App ID. As such the tag --APIID/-a has now been made legacy and is no longer required.
  • The default behaviour is to now show services coming from both directions, instead of showing services only coming from the inbound direction. You can still alter the direction of travel by using the --Direction/-p tag.
  • Fixed an issue where the index was 10 or greater and causing spacing issues.

National Rail ( - V2.6.NR

  • Allowed for the loc and date headers to be centred or right aligned. To changed alignment you can use the new --HeaderAlignment/-c tag.
  • By default the loc and date headers are now centred aligned, as opposed to right aligned.
  • Slight performance improvement.
  • Fixed an issue where some stations were reporting No Scheduled Services. All stations should no correctly report correct arrivals.

Demo ( - V2.2.ex

  • By default has an energy saving mode of none to prevent any confusion.


London Underground now on Version 2.5.LU
National Buses now on Version 2.3.OT
Reading Buses now on Version 3.1.RB
National Rail now on Version 2.6.NR
Demo now on Version 2.2.EX

London Underground Support & Stability Improvments

22 Jan 23:52
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Added Support for London Underground!

London Underground ( - V1.0.LU

  • Added support for any London Underground Station.
  • Introduced a new "Warning Train Arriving" flashing message.

Bug Fixes

Reading Buses ( - V1.4.RB

  • Stability Improvements - Fixed a rare bug which would cause the display to crash if the number of services scheduled to arrive fluctuated between two to zero services.

National Buses ( - V1.5.OT

  • Stability Improvements - Fixed a rare bug which would cause the display to crash if the number of services scheduled to arrive fluctuated between two to zero services.
  • Enabled support to change between a Services ID number and a Services Name, for regions which may support different values (for example Nottingham).
  • Enabled support to turn on and off Next Bus API usage to allow for longer display usage for regions outside of London.

National Rail ( - V1.3.NR

  • Stability Improvements - Fixed a rare bug which would cause the display to crash if the number of services scheduled to arrive fluctuated between two to zero services.
  • Minor changes to some spellings in the help menu.

Demo Program ( - V1.4.EX

  • Updated Demo to reflect changes in


  • Organised resources into a separate folder
  • Introduced requirements.txt, however, documentation should still be read for full information on setting up the program.

Removal of Python 2, Switched Reading Buses API and Several Bug Fixes

17 Jul 16:56
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Breaking Changes!

Reading Buses API Switch

As announced in issue #10 , the Reading Buses API is being replaced with their new API feed here, if you haven't already please make a new account on this site. Then once completed you will need to update your Pi settings with the new Reading Buses API key. More information on how to do this can be found on the here.

Python 2 Deprecated

As announced several weeks ago Python 2 is no longer supported and as such the files have now been removed out of the repository. If you still haven't updated yet please see the web-page here for help.

So What Else Is New?

All Programs

All programs will now automatically check for updates to the program dependencies/ pip libraries along with program updates by default. This is to ensure your display still functions as intended and receives security updates. However, if you would like to not install these updates then you can use the new tag --no-pip-update to disable this feature. You can view the RequirmentsPy3.txt file to understand which libraries are being checked and updated if needed.

Reading Buses ( - V3.0.RB

The new Reading Buses API no longer provides a "Via" message, so instead this is generated in a similar way to how the National Buses API produces it's message. This means several new settings have been introduced to let you edit/control this how you wish. These are as followed:

-m/--ViaMessageMode contains the following options:

  • full - the longest message contains every stop on the route (not advised unless the route is very short)
  • reduced - contains every C stops visited where C is the ReducedValue 'c'. For example when C is 2, you display every other suburb
  • fixed (default option)- show at max F, where 'F' is the FixedLocations. This will take F locations evenly between all
  • locations.

You can also completely turn off this animation using the --ReducedAnimations tag. For more information and understanding view the settings generator tool with built in images.

The tag HideUnknownVias has now also been removed as it is no longer needed.

National Rail ( - V2.3.NR

As discovered in issue #11 , stations that had long names would sometimes overlap with the expected arrival time text box. To prevent this from happening the station name text size is dynamically shrunk if needed so that it can fit in without overlapping with other elements.

London Underground ( - V2.3.LU

As discovered in issue #17 , the API was outputting times in UTC format, this caused issues with BST as all times were now out by an hour and so all services were being shown as "Due" to arrive when they were likely not. This issue has now been resolved and the true number of min to arrival should be shown again.

Known Issues

There are currently no known issues with any of the programs.


London Underground now on Version 2.3.LU
National Buses now on Version 2.3.OT
Reading Buses now on Version 3.0.RB
National Rail now on Version 2.3.NR
Demo now on Version 2.2.EX

Fixed #5 Crash

22 Dec 19:25
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Fixed Issue #5

Where all of the programs would crash if there were zero services scheduled to arrive.

Known Issues

There are currently no known issues with any of the programs.


London Underground now on Version 2.2.LU
National Buses now on Version 2.2.OT
Reading Buses now on Version 2.1.RB
National Rail now on Version 2.2.NR
Demo now on Version 2.1.EX

Reminder - Python2 has been deprecated, please migrate to Python3, more information can be found in the release post here

Python 3 Support!

19 Dec 19:01
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Python 3 Support! #4

We're a little late to the party, but we've finally upgraded everything to Python 3 . All the programs have been tested over the last few days and all seem to be working fine, fingers crossed. If you're currently using the Python 2 version instructions for upgrading can be found at The new programs have "Py3" on the end of their file names. If you would like to stick with Python 2, you can but I'm deprecating it; more information found below.

So what's new?

Well unfortunately I'm currently in my Third year at university so don't have much free time, there are a few noticeable bug fixes though.

London Underground ( - V2.1.LU

  • Fixed #6, where the via message was partially visible before scrolling had even started (if you had advanced animations turned on)
  • Fixed #3, where the program could occasionally crash if you have the stand back train approaching warning message turned on.
  • Changed the Stand Back message to be OFF by default, if you wish to re-enable it you can use the new "--Warning" tag.

National Buses ( - V2.1.OT

  • Fixed #2. fixed a crash which would affect mainly the National Buses program, where the number of services dropped below three.

National Rail ( - V2.1.NR

  • Fixed #2. fixed a crash which would occasionally affect the program, where the number of services dropped below three.

All Programs

  • Upgraded to Python 3
  • Added a "--no-console-output" flag to help with debugging, this will stop all output to console which isn't an error message and so you can ">> ReadingBuses.log 2>&1" or similar to log the output of the program into a file and collect any error messages with ease.
  • Added a "--filename" flag to change the file name of the outputted gif, when using the gifanim display type.


  • Updated the instructions on the website to use Python 3 by default
  • Fixed some links on the website which referenced old dead links.
  • Updated the website to use the new Raspberry Pi Imager tool
  • Updated the website to include instructional videos (coming soon)
  • Changed the automatic check for update frequency to 1 (every day), down from 3 days.
  • Added a simple shell script to check for updates in the program manually. If you type "sh" in the program directory it will let you know if there is any updates and install them if there are. The program will still automatically check and install updates where it can.

Known issues

There is currently one known issue, mainly affecting the National Buses and National Rail departure board #5, I've been unable to work out what's causing this currently. But will push out an update when a solution is found.


  • London Underground now on Version 2.1.LU
  • National Buses now on Version 2.1.OT
  • Reading Buses now on Version 2.0.RB
  • National Rail now on Version 2.1.NR
  • Demo now on Version 2.0.EX

Python 2 Deprecation

Going forwards I've decided to drop support for Python 2, this means that none of the programs will be receiving any new updates or software fixes. To get the latest features and software updates you must switch over to Python 3. If you would like to stick with Python 2 you can use the new "--Acknowledge-Deprecated" tag.