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Historic: Sprint: IETF102Sprint

Robert Sparks edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 1 revision

IETF102 Code Sprint

Sprint Goals

The IETF 102 Code Sprint on 14 July in Montreal will, as always, let you work on fixing those things about the datatracker which you most urgently desire to do something about.

Sprint Participation

The Sprint will be run according to the IETFSprintHowto.

If you plan to participate, please sign up on the IETF102SprintSignUp page.

This sprint will take place from 9:30 to 18:00 in meeting room Sherbrooke Mansfield.

The coding will end 18:00 on the dot, with dinner afterwards. The meeting rooms map will help you find the way here:

We have the mailing list "[email protected]" to help with coordination and for use during the event. Please make sure you're subscribed before the event starts. More info on the list is available at

There is also a jabber room at xmpp:[email protected]?join

For information on setting up your environment, code checkout and commit, etc., see the SprintCoderSetup page.

During the sprint, please update the two tables below; this helps both with coordination and with getting the code merged, released, and deployed :-)

This sprint's plan

  • Address whatever is bothering you the most
  • Identify an area of code which lacks testing coverage, and write tests
  • Fix as many of the issues captured at EnhancementIdeas as we can.

Please consider the higher priority items first. If you're looking for a short task, look for rows marked "easy" . If there's something you hope the sprint will address that's not on that list, please enter it as a new ticket using

Who's working on what?

Please fill in the following table when you've picked a task for the sprint. It's quite all right to pick and complete multiple tasks :-)

Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers **
Ryan Change tests to not require internet access 2485

Completed code ready for merge and release

Who Short Description **Related ticket numbers **
Kivinen Added review request date to the top and draft version dates to tooltips. 2218
Kivinen Made review_content non mandatory when using Link format when completing review. 2520
Jean Search box text clarity wrt meaning of 'name' 1159
Jean Textual nit in interim confirmation email 2522
Jean Friendlier anchors on /wg 1481
Ryan Give secretariat the ability to cancel non-working group sessions 2537
Ryan Add important dates link to proceedings 2538
Ryan Tests for secr.drafts are flawed 2480
Ryan Fix ordering of meeting select in secr/meetings 2539
Ryan Remove duplicate functionality in secr/drafts 2540
Kivinen Prefill the review version number when completing review. 2125
Ben Allow newline separated addresses in To contacts in new liaison 2525
Kivinen Ugly hack to fix the sorting issue in tablesorter for columns starting with numbers but having other characters too. 2089, 2151
Peter Allow a reviewer to add a comment to an unavailability period 2146
Peter Add navigation to Nomcom feedback summary 2431

When you are ready to commit code which is ready form merge and release, please use the phrase Commit ready for merge in your commit message, if all related changes are contained in one commit, or Branch ready for merge if all your commits to your branch, up to the current, should be merged as one unit. This is described more extensively in CodeRepository#Requestingamergetotrunk

For sprint work on other things than the datatracker, please fill in the following table:

Who Notes
Jari' In May, I had done a cleanup of the statistics tools due to GDPR. This removed some abilities... putting recognition of companies in to replace some of it

Wishlist (for this sprint or future sprints)

See (and add to) the list started at EnhancementIdeas -- current method of adding items is to open a new trac ticket.

If you have time to take on larger tasks between sprints, look through the full set of open tickets at for those not marked sprint.

Special notes for setup for this sprint


  • A working knowledge of python and/or web design

  • Learn the basic concepts of Django 1.10, e.g., work through the excellent tutorial.

  • Bring a laptop with Python 2.7, Subversion and (optionally) Mysql (5.x) installed, and be ready to check out a branch of the IETF web site from the tools svn server. (Some hints on preparing mac laptops are at MacSetup, hints for Debian 1.7 at DebianWheezySetup)

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