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Historic: ProjectStatus_2011_08_12

Robert Sparks edited this page May 1, 2023 · 1 revision


Status for the Alternate Streams Project: 05 Aug 2011 - 12 Aug 2011


Almost finished. New delegates system for any stream working.

What's done

Delegate system and IAB authentication

What's next

Revise needed/unneeded states in streams workflows.

Time plan

22 Aug: Development finished and start acceptance

Problems and Possibilities

No problems at the moment.

Status for the ID Tracking Project: 05 Aug 2011 - 12 Aug 2011


Still working on the add/remove drafts interface. Slightly behind, 
we must have finished this task last week. But we hope to meet planning 
this week.

What's done

Community application basis

What's next

Finish the ID list application with add/remove features and display 

Time plan

19 Aug: List export and list display customization
26 Aug: Notifications
29 Aug: Development finished and start acceptance

Problems and Possibilities

Without the delay there is no other problem.

Status for the DB Conversion Project: 05 Aug 2011 - 12 Aug 2011


Finished meeting port, started on revamping the liaison models.

What's done

Finished importing data for the meeting models, finished the porting
work for the meeting views which is mostly through proxies, worked out
some details in the models, including how the history models are
supposed to work and adapted the code base accordingly.

Then started on the the liaison statement tool. Worked out a simpler
model for the statements and surrounding support code in form of SDOs
and person/auth models, currently in the midst of writing an import
script to convert the old models to the new schema.

What's next

Finishing the import script for liaison statements, then
porting/proxing the view code and figuring out to how to handle the
liaison admin which contains some support code. And look into the
extra python commands.

Time plan

Import is currently looking good, so it's on track, but as mentioned
the somewhat more ambitious cleanup may push the conclusion a couple
of days. I won't really know this until I've started porting the code
that actually uses the models though.

Problems and Possibilities

Now that we got some (meeting) view code actually looking for
historical data, we've had a chance to flesh out the lookup code.
There's currently a find_history_active_at() in ietf/utils/
which can return the relevant history object given an object and the
time. It works on any model following the history pattern. Generally,
the pattern seems to work well.


Status for the WG Charter Tool Project: 05 Aug 2011 - 12 Aug 2011


Nearly done. Working on telechat dates, and notifications.

What's done

Recording changes to WG records (in history). Adding comments to a WG 
record. Balloting (including ballot icon on searches).

What's next

Setting the telechat date, sending notifications (and announcements), 
and diffing charters. Aside from this I need to write the unit tests and 
verify everything is as per the RFC.

Time plan

Should be completed in the next few days (probably wednesday).


Hi Henrik,

Sorry for the delays on filling this out. Comments inline below,


Status for the Xml2rfc V2 Project: 05 Aug 2011 - 12 Aug 2011


We have been progressing on feedback from our presentation of the GUI alpha and putting final touches onto the command line App.

What's done

Just sent out an email to the list about all the GUI modifications that have been made as well as some option questions.

What's next

Our hope is to do more work on the cross-platform installers and have some additional eyes on the GUI application. Any items that come in about the command line, we will respond to and resolve.

Time plan

The GUI application is nearing completion depending on additional feedback. The command-line application is mostly complete and, at this point, we are responding to feedback as people review it and it comes in.

Problems and Possibilities

If needed, we can open up a issue-tracking project (e.g. Trac) to identify issues and track resolutions.

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