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Roadmap 2022 2023

Eric Pedley edited this page Nov 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

Brainstorming some rough goals for the school year

  • Reach feature parity with Zotcourse
    • This means we implement all the features Zotcourse has that we don't, like resizing the tabs and customizing the columns with filtering/sorting.
  • Improve the new user experience
  • Improve the new developer experience
    • Finish TypeScript rewrite (hopefully I get this done before we onboard anyone new)
    • Write developer logs
    • Create a video demoing how to add a new feature
      • I finished recording and editing this but my video editor decides to crash every time I try exporting it. I'm probably gonna re-edit it in a different video editor.
  • Finish sign-in with Google and the database migration
  • Keep adding minor features and fixing bugs like normal