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Kanban Board Docs

Eric Pedley edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 1 revision

We use a GitHub project to organize our issues:
"Kanban Board" refers to the column layout.

The purpose of using the board is to clearly identify which issues the AntAlmanac team in ICSSC projects committee is going to work on and which we're leaving for open-source contributors, as well as to track our progress during sprints.

Here is an explanation for what each of the columns is for:

Column Description
Icebox 🥶 For issues the current team doesn't want to tackle but might get picked up by future contributors.
Fellowship Backlog 🤗 Beginner-friendly issues that the team won't pick up in order to give fellowship students some experience. Now that the fellowship is asynchronous, we're fine with any current UCI student picking up these issues.
Tech Debt 🤓 Issues that will improve the developer experience by fixing warnings or cleaning up the code to make it easier to read or less bug-prone.
Backlog 🥱 User-facing problems or enhancements that we're planning on working on sometime this school year.
In Progress 🤠 Issues the team has picked up for the current sprint
Review 🧐 Any issue that has an associated pull request in review
Done 🤩 Closed issues that were recently on the board. This will get cleared after every sprint.
