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Releases: hardkoded/puppeteer-sharp


03 Jul 18:53
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  • Chrome 125 proved to be problematic for windows users. We are rolling back to Chrome 124.

What's Changed

  • fix Page.RemoveExposedFunctionAsync by @ravriel in #2671
  • Gracefully tear down test if SetUp failed by @jnyrup in #2672
  • Fix: BrowserContext.IsClosed returns true when a context is not closed by @IliaBrahinets in #2668
  • Ensure existing targets are attached to pages by @kblok in #2670

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v18.0.2...v18.0.3


24 Jun 11:54
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What's Changed

  • Update sponsors by @github-actions in #2647
  • Switch to Firefox stable version by @kblok in #2662
  • Replace WebException with HttpRequestException by @kblok in #2655
  • Bump patch version to 18.0.2 by @kblok in #2665

Full Changelog: v18.0.1...v18.0.2


06 Jun 11:27
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v18.0.0...v18.0.1


20 May 19:36
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Breaking Change

What's new

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v17.0.0...v18.0.0


23 Apr 13:53
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Breaking change

Hopefully these features are not that popular

What's new

  • Chrome 124
  • Introduce Page.SetBypassServiceWorkerAsync by @kblok in #2587
  • Introduce Frame.FrameElement by @kblok in #2602

What's Changed

  • Revert "Introduce protocol in launch options (#2578)" by @kblok in #2585
  • Make isIntersectingViewport work with SVG elements by @kblok in #2586
  • Make page.goBack work with bfcache in tab mode by @kblok in #2589
  • Ensure fission.bfcacheInParent is disabled for cdp in Firefox by @kblok in #2591
  • Update cookies object model by @kblok in #2592
  • [BREAKING]: Remove WaitForTimeoutAsync by @kblok in #2595
  • [BREAKING] Rename ClickCount to Count by @kblok in #2600
  • Remove NetworkServiceInProcess2 set by default by @kblok in #2601
  • [BREAKING] Deprecate Frame.Name and expose FrameElement by @kblok in #2602
  • Reduce memory allocations and use collection expressions in JSHandle by @IliaBrahinets in #2604
  • Reload should not resolve early on fragment navigations by @kblok in #2603
  • Query only unignored nodes by @kblok in #2606

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v16.0.0...v17.0.0


03 Apr 15:47
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Breaking changes

  • Request.Failure was renamed to Request.FailureText.
  • Request.RequestId was renamed to Request.Id
  • CloseReason, IsClosed and TargetType were removed from ICDPSession.

What's new

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v15.1.0...v16.0.0


20 Mar 21:39
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What's new

  • Roll chrome to 123.0.6312.58 by @kblok in #2511
  • Introduce RemoveExposedFunctionAsync and RemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentAsync by @kblok in #2510

What's Changed

  • Support timeouts per CDP command by @kblok in #2500
  • Disable GFX sanity window for Firefox by @kblok in #2502

Full Changelog: v15.0.0...v15.1.0


13 Mar 15:19
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What's epic!

Puppeteer Sharp is now using the new headless mode by default!
If you need to use the old headless mode, you can pass HeadlessMode = HeadlessMode.Shell into the LaunchOptions.
As part of this change, we will also download an extra Chrome browser, chrome-headless-shell by default, and use it for the old headless mode.

Breaking changes

  • Rename CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync to CreateBrowserContextAsync by @kblok in #2479
  • Deprecate IPage.Target and add IPage.CreateCDPSessionAsync by @kblok in #2480
  • Deprecate is incognito by @kblok in #2465

What's new

  • Roll to Chrome 122.0.6261.69 (r1250580) by @kblok in #2471
  • Add touchstart, touchmove and touchend methods by @kblok in #2468
  • Support closing workers by @kblok in #2484
  • Option for raw v8 script coverage by @kblok in #2487
  • Allow converting other targets to pages by @kblok in #2490

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v14.1.0...v15.0.0


15 Feb 16:42
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Important fix

  • Fix Chrome for testing download URL by @kblok in #2448

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v14.0.0...v14.1.0


25 Jan 15:49
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Breaking changes

  • Hopefully, this is not a big deal. But IElementHandle.ScreenshotAsync(... ScreenshotOptions) was renamed to IElementHandle.ScreenshotAsync(... ElementScreenshotOptions) in #2376

What's New

You can now wait for a device prompt!

var promptTask = Page.WaitForDevicePromptAsync();
await Task.WhenAll(

var devicePrompt = await promptTask;
await devicePrompt.SelectAsync(
    await devicePrompt.WaitForDeviceAsync(device => device.Name.Contains("My Device")).ConfigureAwait(false)

Now you can use AddRequestInterceptor instead of the Request page and give the ContinueAsync, AbortAsync and RespondAsync different priorities.

Page.AddRequestInterceptor(request =>
    if (request.Url.EndsWith(".css"))
        var headers = request.Headers;
        headers["xaction"] = "continue";
        return request.ContinueAsync(new Payload() { Headers = headers, }, 4);
    return request.ContinueAsync(new Payload(), 0);

Page.AddRequestInterceptor(request =>
    if (request.Url.EndsWith(".css"))
        Dictionary<string, object> headers = [];
        foreach (var kvp in request.Headers)
            headers.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
        headers["xaction"] = "respond";
        return request.RespondAsync(new ResponseData() { Headers = headers, }, 2);
    return request.ContinueAsync(new Payload(), 0);

AddRequestInterceptor will ensure that these new async listeners are executed one after the other.

Full Changelog: v13.0.2...v14.0.0