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Releases: goryn-clade/pathfinder


01 Apr 03:03
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Updates for Eve-Scout ESI changes.

Thanks to Thump3d for the contributions in their fork which were useful to get this over the line.


10 Jan 19:13
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Interim update to fix a few issues:

  • Updates a number of PHP & JS dependencies
  • Adds support for new Zarzakh system
  • Improves accuracy of "updated at" time for structures

❗ sql patching needed ❗ , please see


12 Feb 12:12
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  • Updates the SSO controller to use the Character Affiliations endpoint after CCP's change to 7 day caching on the Characters endpoint (#158)
  • Adds the 'esi-search.search_structures.v1' scope that was missing in the previous release Issue
  • Adds definition for Ghost Sites - this is only a partial fix that will be iterated on in next release (#135)


05 Sep 14:38
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Solves #127 Issue with corp search lookup thanks to turbofeedorglory


03 Feb 22:37
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  • Fixed pasting citadels from dscan #20
  • Fixed wormhole sizes and masses #78
  • Fixed unicode ship names #50
  • Various dependecy upgrades from dependabot


25 Oct 01:28
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Pathfinder Updates:

  • Upgrades CCP SSO login flow to be OAuth2.0 compliant

Dependency Changes:

  • Migrates ESI API client from tyrheimdalleve/pathfinder_esi:2.1.1 to goryn-clade/pathfinder_esi:2.1.2

Breaking Changes:

  • "PF" Database: esiAccessToken column in the character table has had a charset change from varchar256 to text
  • app/environment.ini: new variable CCP_SSO_JWK_CLAIM that should contain the value of the access tokeniss claim (i.e, the hostname/URI of Eve's SSO)
  • pathfinder_esi dependency: has been changed from tyrheimdalleve/pathfinder_esi to goryn-clade/pathfinder_esi


If you use docker-compose you should check the upgrade guide.


22 Oct 11:14
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Fix: Updates the way killmails are fetched from to comply with their recent API changes, restoring functionality to the killboard module.


18 Sep 10:32
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This version resolves a number of dependency upgrades for PF, and fixes a mistake in the environment.ini file.

Pathfinder Upgrades:

  • Make pathfinder composer 2.x compliant (thanks to warlof)

Dependency Upgrades:

  • Bump clue/ndjson-react from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
  • Bump cache/array-adapter from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0
  • Bump monolog/monolog from 2.3.2 to 2.3.4
  • Bump cache/namespaced-cache from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
  • Bump gulp-sass from 4.1.1 to 5.0.0
  • Bump node-sass from 4.14.1 to 6.0.1
  • Bump gulp-brotli from 2.0.2 to 3.0.0
  • Bump imagemin-webp from 5.1.0 to 6.0.0
  • Bump lodash.template from 3.0.0 to 4.5.0
  • Bump node-notifier from 6.0.0 to 8.0.1
  • Bump glob-parent from 3.1.1 to 5.1.2
  • Bump trim-newlines from 1.0.0 to 3.0.1
  • Bump set-value from 2.0.1 to 4.1.0
  • Bump yargs-parser to >=13.1.2
  • Bump glob-parent to >=5.1.2


06 Aug 23:13
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  • Adds Trig class to the Structures Module to correctly display the Station Table in Pochven systems
  • Adds F216 wormhole to C3-6 space (This wormhole is documented as only spawning in C2, but has also been observed in all classes above C1)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes Discord webhook url (#971)

New Features:

  • Adds new "Session sharing" mode for access controlled pathfinder (#5)

Session Sharing is a new login option for Pathfinder that will allow sharing of maps with a user's alts within a browser session.

Pathfinder has sharing scopes that allow corp maps to be shared with other corps, alliance maps to be shared with alliances, and personal maps to be shared with other characters. However in practice the most common sharing use-case is that a corp/alliance map needs to be shared with out of corp alts. Rather than try to completely rework the way that the map scopes and models work, Tyr Heimdal and myself found a shortcut by sharing map access between logged in characters within the session.

The way it works is when a user first visits Pathfinder and logs in the normal access control logic is applied, if the character is not on the alliance/corp/character allow-list, they will not be granted access. However once an authorized character has logged in any new character can be logged in and will bypass access control. When multiple characters are logged in, each character will get access to all maps from all logged in characters.

This gives users the ability to log in their in-corp main first, then log in their out of corp tackle/scanning alt, and have the out of corp character get access to the corp map. Likewise, if users want to maintain a private map for personal use, they no longer have to manually share it with each of their alts, a character will have access to any private maps from any other logged in characters.

Because the sharing is only done within the browser session it should eliminate any security risks from maintaining a list of authorized alts. if the main character loses corp map access, their logged in alts will as well.

Session sharing can be toggled on in the SESSION_SHARING key in pathfinder.ini


12 Jul 12:45
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  • Extends Routes settings panel to allow saving of settings for persistent routes
  • New optional region label for k-space systems


  • Moved Pochven systems to new 'T' class space
  • Updated eve_universe.sql with various changes:
    • Added new wormhole types and attributes from Pochven expansion
    • Added Pochven celestial objects such as conduit gates and Triglavian stations
    • Updated system_neighbours and stargates for changes from Pochven and Trailblazer
  • Updated list of Signatures for new wormholes and sites specific to Pochven expansion
  • Updates ESI Routes API to add Trailblazer system pairs to default route request
  • Updated list of Signatures and max jump masses from "From Wormholes with Love" and subsequent QOL patch
  • Added 'Region' clickout button to Zkillboard module
  • Updated Signatures module to allow it to be moved to any column


  • Fixed zkillboard system clickout url
  • Updated zkill websocket uri to
  • Fixed bug where new kills cannot be added to kill stream if systems has no kills in past 24h