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Interpolation Issue

n-lagomarsini edited this page Jul 8, 2014 · 3 revisions


This page describes the issues associated to the use of the JAI-EXT Interpolation classes instead of the JAI ones. An issue about this task has already been opened:


If a user wants to use the JAI-EXT operations which support interpolations, should use the new Interpolation sub-classes associated to the JAI-EXT API and not those of the JAI API; this is related to the fact that JAI-EXT contains code optimized for that kind of interpolators and a JAI interpolation object will result in bad performances. On the opposite side, a user which uses JAI operations should not use the new Interpolation objects for the same reason.

A possible solution for solving the issue could be:

  • Wrapping the JAI interpolation objects into JAI-EXT ones when using JAI-EXT operations with JAI interpolations.
  • Substituting the JAI-EXT interpolators with the JAI ones at the registry level when using JAI operations with JAI-EXT interpolators.