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Database upgrade from version 2.X

Alessandro Parma edited this page Nov 3, 2016 · 1 revision

Database migration from GeoFence 2.X to GeoFence 3.X

In GeoFence 3 changes to the database schema has been introduced. In order to migrate your database from GeoFence 2.X to GeoFence 3 you will have to upgrade GeoFence database as follows:

Take a backup of the database first. Then edit your and set the following configuration parameter to update:


Now Start GeoFence 3.X . GeoFence will automatically update the database schema. Stop GeoFence again and run the following update statements to update the entries of your database for users and roles:

Users update:

update gf_rule r set username = (select from gf_gsuser u where where username is null and r.gsuser_id is not null

Roles update:

update gf_rule r set rolename = (select from gf_usergroup g where where r.usergroup_id is not null and rolename is null

Finally set the configuration parameter back to validate in your


That's it. you can optionally remove the old gsuser_id and usergroup_id columns from the gf_rule table since are not being used anymore

ALTER TABLE gf_rule DROP COLUMN gsuser_id

ALTER TABLE gf_rule DROP COLUMN usergroup_id