This project allows you to automatically provision a Mobile Forces game server together with a responsive website for server management. The website is integrated with Ko-fi and PayPal for donation processing, uses an SQLite3 database to store donation info and displays it on the landing page with more detailed info such as the top donators available on the statistics page
The project is deployed on Hetzner at through GitHub Actions and uses Cloudflare as a CDN and domain registrar, the root of the website code can be found at: templates/webserver/website
The website was made with symfony new website --version="7.2.x"
Put your in the root folder and run
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -u root -i,
You may configure various options in the vars.yml file, by deafult this playbook relies on your creating a MobileForces folder
The Ansible playbook transfers game files, installs necessary packages and sets up Systemd services for the game server, master server and FastDL of game files through an Apache2 web server which is also used for the website, an SSL certificate is automatically added to it by using Let's Encrypt's certbot tool, these steps are made in a modular way and can be excluded
It would be good to run symfony check:requirements
before running the app
export APP_SECRET=secret KOFI_TOKEN=token
ADMIN_PASSWORD=P@ssword123! php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
symfony server:start
Some other environment variables that can be set (found in .env)
KOFI_STARTDATE="2023-10-22 15:35:11"
If you can't change the apache vhost run composer require symfony/apache-pack
which will make a .htaccess file in public/
Consider optimising the php config:
You can test the donation route after setting KOFI_TOKEN with
curl -L --data-urlencode data@data.json
If you change the database files run php bin/console make:migration for the master server implementing the Gamespy v0 protocol and for the file manager for the updated System64 packages