The Luno API provides developers with a wealth of financial information provided through the Luno platform. Through this secure system developers can:
- Create accounts for trading in cryptocurrencies
- Access current and historic cryptocurrency market data
- Submit trade orders and view order status
- Buy and sell Bitcoin and Ethereum
- Send and receive Bitcoin and Ethereum
- Generate Bitcoin and Ethereum wallet addresses
The Luno API brings the world of Bitcoin and Ethereum to your doorstep.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.2.5
- Package version: 1.2.5
- Generator version: 7.8.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.8+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import luno_openapi
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import luno_openapi
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import luno_openapi
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = luno_openapi.Configuration(
host = ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with luno_openapi.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = luno_openapi.AccountsApi(api_client)
currency = 'XBT' # str | The currency code for the Account you want to create. Please see the Currency section for a detailed list of currencies supported by the Luno platform. Users must be verified to trade currency in order to be able to create an Account. For more information on the verification process, please see <a href=\"/help/en/articles/1000168396\">How do I verify my identity?</a>. Users have a limit of 10 accounts per currency.
name = 'Trading ACC' # str | The label to use for this account
# Create account
api_response = await api_instance.create_account(currency, name)
print("The response of AccountsApi->create_account:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->create_account: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountsApi | create_account | POST /api/1/accounts | Create account |
AccountsApi | get_balances | GET /api/1/balance | List account balances |
AccountsApi | get_move | GET /api/exchange/1/move | Move |
AccountsApi | list_moves | GET /api/exchange/1/move/list_moves | List Moves |
AccountsApi | list_pending_transactions | GET /api/1/accounts/{id}/pending | List pending transactions |
AccountsApi | list_transactions | GET /api/1/accounts/{id}/transactions | List transactions |
AccountsApi | move | POST /api/exchange/1/move | Move |
AccountsApi | update_account_name | PUT /api/1/accounts/{id}/name | Update Account Name |
AddressApi | validate | POST /api/1/address/validate | Validate |
BeneficiariesApi | create_beneficiary | POST /api/1/beneficiaries | Create beneficiary |
BeneficiariesApi | delete_beneficiary | DELETE /api/1/beneficiaries/{id} | Delete beneficiary |
BeneficiariesApi | list_beneficiaries | GET /api/1/beneficiaries | List beneficiaries |
MarketApi | get_candles | GET /api/exchange/1/candles | Get candles |
MarketApi | get_order_book | GET /api/1/orderbook_top | Get top order book |
MarketApi | get_order_book_full | GET /api/1/orderbook | Get full order book |
MarketApi | get_ticker | GET /api/1/ticker | Get ticker for currency pair |
MarketApi | get_tickers | GET /api/1/tickers | List tickers for all currency pairs |
MarketApi | list_trades | GET /api/1/trades | List recent trades |
MarketApi | markets | GET /api/exchange/1/markets | Get markets info |
OrdersApi | get_fee_info | GET /api/1/fee_info | Get fee information |
OrdersApi | get_order | GET /api/1/orders/{id} | Get order |
OrdersApi | get_order_v2 | GET /api/exchange/2/orders/{id} | Get Order v2 |
OrdersApi | get_order_v3 | GET /api/exchange/3/order | Get Order v3 |
OrdersApi | list_orders | GET /api/1/listorders | List orders |
OrdersApi | list_orders_v2 | GET /api/exchange/2/listorders | List Orders v2 |
OrdersApi | list_user_trades | GET /api/1/listtrades | List trades |
OrdersApi | post_limit_order | POST /api/1/postorder | Post Limit Order |
OrdersApi | post_market_order | POST /api/1/marketorder | Post Market Order |
OrdersApi | stop_order | POST /api/1/stoporder | Cancel Order |
ReceiveApi | create_funding_address | POST /api/1/funding_address | Create receive address |
ReceiveApi | get_funding_address | GET /api/1/funding_address | Get receive address |
SendApi | send | POST /api/1/send | Send |
SendApi | send_fee | GET /api/1/send_fee | Estimate send fees |
TransfersApi | cancel_withdrawal | DELETE /api/1/withdrawals/{id} | Cancel withdrawal request |
TransfersApi | create_withdrawal | POST /api/1/withdrawals | Request a withdrawal |
TransfersApi | get_withdrawal | GET /api/1/withdrawals/{id} | Get withdrawal request |
TransfersApi | list_transfers | GET /api/exchange/1/transfers | List transfers |
TransfersApi | list_withdrawals | GET /api/1/withdrawals | List withdrawal requests |
- AccountBalance
- AccountInfo
- AddressMeta
- BalanceList
- Beneficiary
- CancelWithdrawalResponse
- Candle
- CreateAccountResponse
- CreateBeneficiaryDefaultResponse
- CreateBeneficiaryResponse
- CreateFundingAddressResponse
- CreateWithdrawalResponse
- CryptoDetails
- DetailFields
- FeeInfo
- FundsMove
- GetBalancesResponse
- GetCandlesResponse
- GetFeeInfoResponse
- GetFundingAddressResponse
- GetMoveResponse
- GetOrder2Response
- GetOrderBookResponse
- GetOrderResponse
- GetTickerResponse
- GetWithdrawalResponse
- ListBeneficiariesResponse
- ListMovesResponse
- ListOrders2Response
- ListOrdersResponse
- ListPendingTransactionsResponse
- ListTickersResponse
- ListTradesResponse
- ListTransactionsResponse
- ListTransfersResponse
- ListUserTradesResponse
- ListWithdrawalsResponse
- MarketInfo
- MarketsInfoResponse
- MoveResponse
- Order
- OrderBook
- OrderBookEntry
- OrderV2
- PostLimitOrderResponse
- PostMarketOrderResponse
- PublicTrade
- ReceiveAddress
- SendFeeResponse
- SendResponse
- StopOrderResponse
- Ticker
- TradeDetails
- TradeV2
- Transaction
- Transfer
- UpdateAccountNameResponse
- ValidateAddressResponse
- Withdrawal