The base
and counter
amounts are the principal amounts that were traded, ignoring fees. For example, if the order resulted in a single trade of 1 BTC for 1000 ZAR, then base
=1 BTC and counter
=1000 ZAR. The fee_base
and fee_counter
amounts are the fees debited after the trade principal amounts. For example, for a buy order, base - base_fee
would be credited to the BTC account and counter + counter_fee
would be debited from the ZAR account. Similarly, for a sell order, counter - counter_fee
would be credited to the ZAR account and base + base_fee
would be debited from the BTC account.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
base | str | Amount of base filled, this value is always positive. | [optional] |
completed_timestamp | int | Time of order completion (Unix milliseconds) This value is set at the time of this order leaving the order book, either immediately upon posting or later on due to a trade or cancellation. Whilst the order is still pending/live it will be 0. | [optional] |
counter | str | Amount of counter filled, this value is always positive. | [optional] |
creation_timestamp | int | Time of order creation (Unix milliseconds) | [optional] |
expiration_timestamp | int | Time of order expiration (Unix milliseconds) This value is set at the time of processing a request from you to cancel the order, otherwise it will be 0. | [optional] |
fee_base | str | Base amount of fees to be charged | [optional] |
fee_counter | str | Counter amount of fees to be charged | [optional] |
limit_price | str | Limit price to transact | [optional] |
limit_volume | str | Limit volume to transact | [optional] |
order_id | str | [optional] | |
pair | str | Specifies the market. | [optional] |
state | str | <code>PENDING</code> The order has been placed. Some trades may have taken place but the order is not filled yet.<br> <code>COMPLETE</code> The order is no longer active. It has been settled or has been cancelled. | [optional] |
time_in_force | str | The Time in force option used when the LimitOrder was posted. Only returned on limit orders.<br> <code>GTC</code> Good 'Til Cancelled. The order remains open until it is filled or cancelled by the user. (default)</br> <code>IOC</code> Immediate Or Cancel. The part of the order that cannot be filled immediately will be cancelled. Cannot be post-only.</br> <code>FOK</code> Fill Or Kill. If the order cannot be filled immediately and completely it will be cancelled before any trade. Cannot be post-only. | [optional] |
type | str | <code>BUY</code> buy market order.<br> <code>SELL</code> sell market order.<br> <code>BID</code> bid (buy) limit order.<br> <code>ASK</code> ask (sell) limit order. | [optional] |
from luno_openapi.models.order import Order
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of Order from a JSON string
order_instance = Order.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
order_dict = order_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of Order from a dict
order_from_dict = Order.from_dict(order_dict)