Releases: emiago/gophone
Releases · emiago/gophone
- Terminates call without waiting UDP Timer B
- Adds
parameter for changing ua hostname. Default now will be recipient host to minimize need for setting this. #9
- windows builds will be added only on request
This release updates under hood libraries, and fixes some issue like error short buffer
It should be more stable release than previous one.
Release files are updated: Feb 27
- Adding Opus linux amd64 build, for anyone who wants to try gophone with opus codec. If needed other platform will be added.
- Fixes MacOS arm64 build. Was broken as it had broken dependency build #7
- Adds
flag to control codec support. When opus enabled it needs to be explicitily added. More info on readme
LINUX arm64 build ADDED! #6
- Small fix arround dial where IPV6 was preffered in case of dialing FQDN
Smaller fixes found from new diago usage
- Unregister deadlock removed
- Passing transport IP to avoid unspecified IP in via
- small fixes
v1.4.0 (Diago rewrite)
gophone is now rewritten with diago library underhood for all actions.
More on this release:
- Handle REFER (Blindtransfer) more correctly per RFC with NOTIFY
- Better NAT handling with newer fixes on libs like rport, sending request on source port instead contact. (Check -rewrite_contact flag)
- Media RTP/RTCP and media updates is now more better handled
- Loading transcription model is now on beginning to make sure that it can load into memory
- TLS key, crt can be passed via GOPHONE_TLS_KEY and GOPHONE_TLS_CRT files
New media reporting. Total redone!
Using now RTCP to report media quality + RTP as summary.
Dial media update support added. In case media path (SDP INVITE update) change, media should continue to flow
- transfer and interactive mode support
- Added macos arm64 binary (Not tested)
option added for doing SRV lookups first.
- updated to latest sipgo and sipgox