GOPHONE is single binary CLI SIP Softphone written in GO and powered by diago
gophone dial -media=audio sip:[email protected]:5060
NOT Open Source, but most of code is on libraries mentioned with exception for some some audio streaming and media setup. This also shows power of this libs. It is mainly developed for simple automated testing purpose, but with Simple API and better integration with other shell tools.
Any feature/bug or supporting/sponzoring is welcomed.
- Linux amd64
- Linux arm64 (no call transcription supported)
- Windows
- macOS amd64 (*NOT SIGNED) Check MacOS malware detect
- macOS arm64 (no call transcription supported) (*NOT SIGNED) Check MacOS malware detec
For audio it expected you have some preinstalled libraries.
- 3 actions: Dial, Answer or Register
- Media IO control: speaker, mic, file
- RTP statistics during call
- Offline Speech To text Transcription of phone call using whisper models
- Provides also json type output for easier filtering and post verification
- OPUS codec support
- Use flags to automate call scenario of one endpoint
- Dial Answer Register
- Media encoders: ulaw, alaw
- Media IO: rtp logging, speaker, microphone
- RTP stats: packets, packet loss, talking/silence
- Different responses NoAnswer,Busy
- Offline Speech To text Transcription for output.
- Offline Speech To text Transcription for input
- Sending DTMF rfc4733 with delay control
- Simple INTERACTIVE mode Commands via STDIN
- BlindTransfer automation as subcommand of dial/answer
- Opus codec support
- Controling audio formats like pcmu,pcma and opus
- AttendedTransfer automation as subcommand of dial/answer
- Recording audio for easier visiting later
- Better events logging in Structured logging for easier JSON verification.
- Logging SIP traces to file
- Loadtest examples
gophone is single binary so you only need to download and run it.
You can Download from here or here quick links
- Linux amd64
- Linux arm64
- Windows
- Macos amd64
- Macos arm64
- Linux amd64
Install codec:
# Debian, Ubuntu
sudo apt install libopus0
# Fedora
sudo dnf install opus
gophone dial -audio_formats=opus,pcma,pcmu sip:[email protected]
If you need opus binary for your platform please open issue For now it just Linux amd64 exposed
$>gophone -h
gophone is CLI SIP softphone powered by sipgo library.
To find more information about tool and licences visit
Usage of gophone command:
dial Dial destination.
answer Answer call
register Send register request only without answer.
-t string
Transport udp|tcp|tls|ws|wss (default "udp")
Enviroment variables:
LOG_LEVEL=debug|info|error Log level for output. Default=info
LOG_FORMAT=json|console Log format for output. Default=console
LOG_NOCOLOR Disable color
SIP_DEBUG LOG SIP traffic. Used with LOG_LEVEL=debug
RTP_DEBUG LOG RTP traffic. Used with LOG_LEVEL=debug
RTCP_DEBUG LOG RTCP traffic. Used with LOG_LEVEL=debug
GOPHONE_MEDIA=<same as -media> Sets default media in case of calls
gophone answer -l
gophone answer -l -code 486 -reason Busy
Answer with register:
gophone answer -ua alice -username alice1234 -password 1234 -register ""
gophone dial sip:[email protected]:5060
gophone dial -sipheader="X-AccountId:test123" sip:1234@server:5060
gophone register -username=sipgo -password=1234
With digest authentication:
gophone dial -ua alice -username=alice1234 -password=1234 "sip:echo@server:5060"
With media:
gophone dial -media=audio sip:1234@localhost:5060
gophone dial -media=mic sip:1234@localhost:5060
gophone answer -media=speaker
With transcribe:
gophone dial -media=log -transcribe sip:1234@localhost:5060
With DTMF:
gophone dial -dtmf=79 -dtmf_delay=8s -dtmf_digit_delay=1s -media=speaker sip:1234@localhost:5060
echo "wait=3s; dtmf=123; hangup;" | gophone dial -i -media=speaker sip:[email protected]:5060
Running a full call and transcription output at end.
Using json allows some post verification for your call setup.
Useful filtering
gophone ... | jq 'select(.caller=="Dial" and .event=="SIP")'
gophone ... | jq 'select(.caller=="Dial" and .event=="DialogState")'
CALLTRANSCRIPTION=$(LOG_FORMAT=json gophone dial -transcribe sip:[email protected] \
| jq -r 'select(.caller=="Transcriber" and .text != null) | .text')
test "Please enter your PIN. Your answer is, 1234." = $CALLTRANSCRIPTION
gophone CLI tool is not signed by Apple Developer Program and may be shown as Malware by your Gatekeeper. This is something Apple started to require on newer OS (From Catalina v10.15). FYI: in order to sign binary Apple requires annual payment. This project is not yet sponsored or had requirement todo so.
For allowing unsigned CLI tool to run here are some articles to check.