A curates list of awesome Drone resources.
- go-training/drone-tutorial - Drone Continuous Delivery Installation guide
- CI/CD tools comparison - by Digital Ocean
- gesellix/drone-stack - example Docker Stack using Swarm mode
- appleboy/drone-on-kubernetes - Examples of how to run Drone on Kubernetes (AWS && GKE)
- dellintosh/pipeline - Example end-to-end deployment pipeline using multiple Kubernetes clusters
- Kubernetes on arm64 - Tutorial for setting up Drone 1.0 on Kubernetes arm64 clusters
- drone/drone-go - official Go client
- drone/drone.js - official JavaScript client
- mavimo/drone-chromewebstore - allow to upload and publish application on Chrome Webstore
- drone/drone-secret-plugin-starter - starter project for building your own secrets plugin
- drone/drone-amazon-secrets - plugin to source secrets from the AWS Secrets Manager
- drone/drone-vault - plugin to source secrets from Vault
- Helm Chart - official Helm Chart in kubernetes/helm
- yum repo - RPM packages for installing drone-server, drone-agent, and drone-cli on Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL
- Drone EC2 Supervisor - Automatically starts/stops an EC2 Instance based queued builds.